Rich coming from a guy who owes his entire career to writers. I hate this smug piece of shit

  • Egon [they/them]
    1 year ago

    I think in a way it’s because he thinks he’s right.

    I work with a guy thats a dickhead, and I fucking hate him, because he thinks the reason we don’t vibe is all my fault. Like no introspection no thought of wether he might be wrong.

    Bill Maher is the same way, there’s worse people around (my boss is a capitalist with a bic C, so just objectively worse than some dude I don’t vibe with), but the fact he thinks he’s one of “the good ones” or “right” and it’s just everybody else that’s wrong and he’s just above it, makes him that much worse. Like transphobes at least admit they hate something (you do not have to hand it to them), Bill Maher acts like he’s above it, even though he’s also just a fucking bigot.