Had some wine
How’s y’all’s nights?
Explaining how what Luigi did was self defense has been fun
I talked to my mother about getting a pistol and she asked if I was trynna be like luigi. She called him a vigilante not a murderer tho and thats huge tbh
I was pleasantly surprised that the right wing reactionaries in my family voiced support for what he did. The lone dissenter was my Kamala-voting lib brother-in-law.
Got my dad to accept that the health insurance industry commits violence against the populace but “two wrongs don’t make a right” lol what can ya do
🤔 is he also against capital punishment or is it the extra-judicial nature of this killing that is troublesome?
He’s against capital punishment, but he’s a lawyer so had to clear up I wasn’t talking about self defense in an American legal manner lol
Normal night for me, skipped the family gathering because they invited the anti-vaxxers and nobody masks.
I havent seen more than a handful of people where masks where I live in years
the most medically vulnerable people in my life are also the worst anti-maskers
Staying at my in laws place and I love them but my MiL 7+ hour Christmas music playlist is reaching hour 6 and I it’s getting a bit grating. I just wanna read 😭
I just wanna read 😭
I took synthetic mushrooms and went to a place where I knew the vibes would be bad to report on the bad vibes, I think I do fun y haha things like this to try and force a sense of control over my own alienation that I don’t actually feel
Honestly real, why not just grow mushrooms though? It’s pretty easy imo
I’d love to, I just live somewhere you can’t order the spores so I don’t know how to get started without landing on more lists
Damn, that sucks. They don’t grow natively? I got mine off a cow pattie and cloned it
I suppose I could do some research
Staying at home and hermiting it up for xmas. Just did homemade pizza and beer. All’s good.
Same but homemade whiskey
That sounds rad - how did you age it?
Got some wood chips toasted em up j In a pan until charred. Then into a big jug with the whiskey. Few months like that is like a couple years in a barrel. Really delightful
I am going to have to give that a shot
Yeee really works well. Also a good idea if you like nice old whiskey but don’t wanna spend over $30 on a bottle. Get decent cheap whiskey of choice. Age on toasted chips for a couple months. Now that’s really good stuff
Do you have a preference for tree species or is any sort of hardwood chip fine?
Well oak is good of course since it’s what 99% of barrels are made of. I have been experimenting with other things like mesquite as well but not sure if I have alternative faves yet
shitty food and shitty company
Real, its all finger food. Nothing here is filling
same here
Tooth abscess.
I had kidney stones earlier this year. 2024 is sentient and actually trying to kill me.
Jesus christ, sorry to hear it. I too regularly piss rocks
yeah it is! wtaf
hope 2025 is kinder to you ❤️
Things started to get into sus territory, but I quickly changed the subject. All went well.
That’s usually how I deal with family gatherings, they know I’m more to the left of them so I try to change the subject when things get political, lest I make an ass of myself and just be the lefty strawman.
For anyone dreading Christmas dinner, if changing the subject fails this is my foolproof way to deal with reactionary family members:
No really, try to change the subject as if you’re bored of it. Look around the room as if to communicate “can we please discuss something else?”
If badgered, say “yeah I am more left-wing, but let’s not get into it now, we can discuss some other time.”
If you’re cornered, never play up the progressive angle, play up the nice angle. “It’s Christmas, can’t we just be nice even to people we disagree with for just a few days?”
This is the Super Saiyan form for these discussion: “why are you bringing politics into Christmas?”
I sincerely do love Christmas, but I have the stereotypical conservative activist family members who have gloated a lot during thanksgiving over Trump winning and did the same for Christmas eve and I’m assuming Christmas day as well.
Sounds like you’re just rarionalizing trauma and not actively enforcing boundaries because your family doesn’t respect them.
This is why it pays to know the family dirt.
"Haha yeah, you all got me. But hey, at least I’m not out getting a third DUI like Uncle Frank, right Frank? finger guns
The in laws have left and we are watching “Mountain Magic Christmas” a hot mess of a Dolly Parton special
Big win tbh
I ate so much shit yesterday that I couldn’t even finish my beer because my stomach was THAT full. And today I going to do it again.
I finally finished the holiday cooking and baking last night, and today I get to be a treat elf in my silly hat
(the hat)
and have my favorite kind of social encounter: I appear bearing gifts, recipients are surprised and delighted, then I quickly gtfo 😂
then I’m going to go hang out with my little brother ❤️ (he turns 41 this week!) maybe play video games?
Merry Christmas ❤️ hope you have a wonderful day and don’t regret the wine too much! 😉
Dope hat! Disco ball elf hat is totally your vibe, merry christmas!
I am regretting the wine 😔
Dope ass hat tho
I’m the silly one that bothered to show up at the night shift at the plant like we’re all supposed to. Nothing like getting paid the same to do more work while everyone else does the smart thing and enjoys time with family.
Get to do it again tomorrow, and next week too.
Family time this year is alright thankfully, it is usually uncomfortable but mayve the alcohol is helping
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I stayed up so late enjoying my freedom to stay up late tonight that I am probably going to hate my freedom to wake up about as early on Thursday.
Old people’s house crank the Heat up. Got the meat sweats because I’m detoxing and had to pace around wiping my face off and people are asking me what’s wrong. Delicious dinner though.