I have TWO MAJOR BUGS that I have had trouble with in this entire mod-list. They do suck, but the expanded universe of ethics, civics, traditions, etc all make up for it imo. If some of you are savvy with Paradox spaghetti code, or have experience in troubleshooting conflicts that aren’t game-ending; let me know!

The two issues are: 1.) Some empires spawning without names despite no name-list mod being present. I’ve headcanoned this as the Empire’s name being untranslatable or mainly being a symbolic/aesthetic one. Only happens once or twice a game.

2.) The only other issue I have is exhibits/artifacts causing crashes. They don’t have any issues and provide bonuses UNLESS you try to click on one or hover over the aesthetic artifacts under minor artifacts. Just don’t touch that screen.

Everything else works! Make sure you auto-save! Also, no guarantees on computer performance. My game runs pretty slow mid-game but I’m used to it being a EU4 player

If you NEED to cut mods off, do not get rid of patches unless removing both mods…

As for TOP 5 of them?

1.) Gigastructural Engineering & More Reason being that it hands down adds all my megastructure fantasies to the game

2.) Ethics and Civics Classic+Bug Branch Adds an entire new level of nuance and politics on Stellaris combined with the other mods to add civics/policies/edicts.

3.) Planetary Diversity+Patches/Addons. Who doesn’t want 30+ types of planets added to their game? Who doesn’t want the cool origins to come with them?

4.) Guilli’s Planet Modifiers + Patch One of the best mods for roleplay value. Adds all sorts of fun modifiers to your planets; some bad, some good. Mostly good.

5.) Literally any trait mod. I put this here because I find vanilla Stellaris traits even with DLC to be absolutely lacklustre. This mod-pack essentially makes it a massive laundry list. How it should be.

Honorary Mention: Dracula Flow Advisor. Best advisor.


Additional Traits

Beautiful Universe V2.0

Colored Icons

(Colored Map Icons is broken)

Colored Progress Bars

Diverse Rooms

Dracula Flow Advisor

Ethics and Civics Classic (Megacorp Civic Update)

EUTAB - Ethos Unique Techs and Buildings

Expanded Stellaris Traditions 3

Flags: Emblems & Backgrounds

Galactic Community++

Galactic Imperial Tax

Gigastructural Engineering and More (3.14)

Government Variety Pack

Guilli’s Planet Modifiers and Features

Guilli’s Technologies

Hands of State (3.X)

Planetary Bugversity (PD+BB patch)

Planetary Diversity

Planetary Diversity Gaia Worlds

Planetary Diversity Exotic Worlds

Planetary Diversity More Arcologies

Planetary Diversity Planet View

Planetary Diversity Unique Worlds

Plentiful Traditions 3.x

Real Space - New Frontiers

Real Space - Planetary Stations

Real Space - Solar Storm

Real Space - Star Cluster

Real Space - System Scale

Real Space 3.9

Scientist Level Extension

Sensible Late-Game Techs

Starbase Extended 3.0

Trait Diversity

Trait Diversity Trait Points Traits



Unique Ascension Perks

Beautiful Universe & Real Space patch

Aggressive Crisis Engine

36 Building Slots

[3.14] Empires Expanded

!!!Universal Resource Patch

!!Universal Modifier Patch

Cinematic Camera

Colored Map Icons for Gigastructural Engineering

More Leader Traits

z Expanded Traits, Civics, Pops and More

More Primitives

Under Siege

Ethics and Civics: Bug Branch


Xenology Traits Expansion Unofficial - Biological Module

Guilli’s Planets and Modifiers 3.14 patch

Expanded Stellaris Traditions 2

UI Overhaul Dynamic - More Tradition Slots