is going to be focused around the interview that we did with Alexander Dugan now if you haven’t seen that full interview or if you’ve uh if you haven’t even seen parts of it the link I put in the chat it’s the first message there it says link to our full interview with Alexander Dugan please uh watch that


and I asked some people who are fans of the channel now who are you know Dugan supporters to send me some materials so I’m definitely looking forward to reading about that uh yeah I’ve heard of infrared yeah actually I follow his uh his telegram Channel


uh I think I think the the lesson we should take from Dugan to be honest and is is that I think I think we the main lesson in my opinion is that we should not think that traditionalism is in contradiction with Marxism leninism in terms of uh social policy and cultural policy I don’t think these uh like these issues should even like be at the Forefront of uh communist political programs either I mean like so much time is spent on in a lot of leftist groups on what what essentially at this point it wasn’t always like this but at this point a lot amounts to Liberal issues like talking about um you know trans athletes are they able to participate in this or that uh talking about like I don’t know all this stuff connected to sexuality it’s like it’s not it’s it this stuff is not uh critical to the the advancement of the Marxism movement and it’s something that no other Communist Party in the world is uh is is really paying that sort of attention to outside of the West so I think what we should do is understand that like whether someone’s more traditionally oriented or like super into this I guess identity politics stuff or cultural politics this is not like a critical factor in deciding whether or not someone is Progressive in terms of the class struggle or not that’s I think that’s I think what the main thing we should take away like we should not uh like we should not we should not denounce Dugan because he thinks that the that like the focus on trans issues or something in the west is like ridiculous that should not be the the critical moment


TLDR you must acknowledge that caring about gay rights is western imperialism if you are a true anti imperialist marxist leninist, don’t bother watching, just skim the transcripts if need be

This guy is just an expat in Russia who works for RT and collaborates with Caleb Maupin’s CPI to make videos about LaRouche shit and does the classic leftist move of interviewing an ideological fascist Alexander Dugin to try to find some common ground and also PCUSAs congressional candidate :shrug-outta-hecks: wonder why that would happen

the bar is so low these days you make your channel have red on it and you’re like I’m an “anti imperialist marxist leninist” and I hate liberalism, liberals are the west, west are liberalism, lgbtq is west and liberalism, west and liberals bad, lgbtq bad, and my channel is somehow about how we’re going to bring about the revolution bc of my inspiring ideas and all the theory that I’ve definitely read a single page of

Of course they retweet both Haz, Peter Coffin, and, Hinkle, the strongest bastions of “anti imperialist marxist leninist” thought

  • Comp4 [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Wasnt Dugin a founding member of the the National Bolshevik Party in Russia ? Like im all for building a big tent but you gotta have at least “some” standards.

      • Comp4 [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        While we should be ever vigilant of infiltration…Nazbols are a meme. They dont really exist outside of some very sad places on the internet. I would be much more worried about feds and chuds. (At least in the West). You could probably look towards some leftist figures fishing for rightwing approval with concern but I doubt we have to be worried about a red-brown alliance any time soon.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Communists need to stop making memes we did the same fucking thing by creating dark biden.

        I swear the libs and thinktanks are just listening in to us and being like “Oooooooh that’s a good idea jot that down!”