Why are fanboys like this?
To be honest, I just hate how expensive gaming has become across the board. I still remember getting a brand new, top of the line, Playstation 3 slim with a 500GB internal hard drive and Blu ray drive, two controllers and two games, in 2012 (over 12 years ago) for around 450 USD, with import taxes and luxury taxes in South Africa. Now the lastest top of the line PlayStation 5 is going to cost over 1150USD here, with the disc drive being an optional add on, and only 2TB of storage and one controller. WTF how is a 250% price increase justifiable when you are literally getting less by comparison?
And I haven’t even started on the price of PC parts here, PC gaming rigs are the price of second hand cars in South Africa. A Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060 with 8GB of VRAM is over 500USD! A 14th Gen Intel i5 is over 350USD. Two new mid range components, and the price is already approaching 900USD. By the time you’re done buying everything, you’re looking at over 2000USD for that PC.
going back to the days when a regular nes game was $100 in the 80s aaaaaaaand fuck im old
Tech people have utterly lost connection with normal people, I think. An enthusiast who cares enough about Playstation to want a faster PS5 probably owns discs. Also the fact that they didn’t improve the CPU in any way, this thing is cooked.
When gamer shit gets too expensive people will just quit buying games and consoles, as they should. Anticommunist propaganda always used to say “and a car cost a month’s paycheque” well, a PS5 Pro costs like, a third to half of the north american minimum wage, I think?
Now days cars cost more than a YEARS wage for most Americans
another statistic for the Victims of Capitalism museum
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At least with the PS4 Pro it slotted into what used to be the price of the PS4. I think the issue is the PS5 was incredibly overpriced but goofballs were desperate to get one anyway, so they got a big head about it. Also regarding the CPU, I guess they literally just want slightly better graphics lol
g*mers get the wall don’t @ me
yeah man I’m so jealous I can’t play the next batch of recently-released-game: remastered
Cawadoody One: Very First One Again Black Ops Zombie Edition in shambles.
Imagine being fanboy over nothing lul
I move for anyone mentioning they have a PS5 Pro to get site-wide banned.
The 2011 hack. Blaming Zipper Interactive for their Socom 4 release and shutting down one of their greatest studios instead of owning up to their own fucking hack. Destroying the original PS3 store. Failing to support the Vita. Failing to have 2 factor authentication for a long time. Treating hacked people like criminals. Shitty customer service. Telling their own studio that made All-Stars Battle Royale BEFORE the fucking game launched that they were being shut down. Failing to give the PS4 basic features the PS3 had. Providing garbage remote play that barely works. Halfassing PSNow and failing to continue adding more PS3 streaming like they promised. PS5 also lacking basic features at launch. Lying and saying the PS4 generation was uniquely in need of a Pro and that it definitely won’t happen this time. Thinking the Portal was a hood idea. Endlessly garbage store without ignore, gifting, or other obvious features. PS Plus in general.
What else?
Idk how there are any Sony fanboys left the ps5 is so awful i regret ever getting one. Demons souls remake was mid and returnal the only good game eventually came to PC anyway. I guess i got my gran turismo but thats not really worth a whole console. I have a very funny looking router under my TV that i can’t use for anything. I got it with the hopes they’d do something with bloodborne but i lost hard on that bet. At least the xbox has a decent collection of back compat titles
I loved the demon souls remake, but yeah its not worth getting a PS5 on or being a fanboy over.
This takes me back to the beginning years of the Star Citizen grift. And the Fallout 76 “Tenpenny” chud community. And EVE Online’s monocle-enjoying bootlickers at the start of the “Greed is Good™” PR release. And so much more.
What was the tenpenny chud community? now im curious. Larping as reactionary wealthy people in fallout76?
Early on in Fallout 76, when it became clear there was basically nothing to do but spend money (this is before that barebones “we added NPCs!” patch), there was a contrarian bunch of
gate-adjacent smuglords that declared that they’ll spend more money the worse the monetization got, as a flex against the poors. Yes, they named their little contrarian group after the
of the same name in Fallout 3.
in Fallout 3.
Of course chuds have to also chose the second worst game in entire series to pose about it in the worst game of entire series.
$599 US dollars!?!
PS3: $599, Ridge Racer
PS5 Pro: $699, no Ridge Racer
I mean what can you even say
Are there historically accurate giant enemy crabs with weak points I can hit for massive damage, at least?
I know youre looking at getting a current gen console for MH wilds. I would definitely find a used original PS5 if youre trying to save money.
Yeah there’s no way I can afford a Pro! I’m a Student! I’m living off Ramen as it is!
Thankfully when the pro comes out, used PS5s might get cheaper. I dunno, we’ll see. Not paying hundreds just for a single game, no matter how much I love Monster Hunter.
I could see the used pS5s dropping about 150-200
Just will have to wait and see.
Keep me posted. We all love you dirt owl
I’ve just gotten into World comrade, and I’m definitely hype for Wild.
We should get a hexbear hunting crew together.
Here’s hoping some PS5s get cheaper.
I’d do the WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG meme, but I’m too squicked out by the predator that said it.
Based on real Japanese history. GIANT ENEMY CRAB. 599 us dollars.
Some years ago an amazing console with RIIIIIIIDGE RACEEEEER and giant enemy crabs went for… was it 599 US Dollars at the time?
the most insulting thing about this is the complete lack of a library that will actually make full use of the hardware. there arent many ps5 exclusives that really need any extra power and the odds that you are playing more than 1 or 2 of them is damn slim
The showcase highlighting distance grass resolution in Ratchet and Clank was one of the funniest “why should you buy this” presentations I’ve ever seen.
I didn’t even see it but I did beat that game when it was free on the PS+ pass thingy and it ran perfectly fine so why bother spending $700?
I truly cannot notice a difference between the ps4 and ps5. The difference between the ps3 and the ps4? Staggering.
I can notice the difference between ps3 and ps4 but thats the console generation where diminishing returns in visuals started for sure.
The “quality” or “fidelity” modes run at 60fps, ish. That’s it
you are just jealous I can afford 5pro ps5pros
Yeah the fanboy chuds are totally right. i should spend another 700 bucks just for a slight bump in frame rate and visuals over my original PS5
only one PS5? why even bother
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