aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]

I don’t know what this is

  • 18 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Perhaps I didn’t learn as much as I thought I did from Russia’s campaign in Ukraine, where the red lines are actually red carpets.

    I’d say the difference is that Russia has been able to enforce two of it’s biggest red lines, by invading Ukraine after they crossed the red line around seeking NATO membership, and recently the red line around the use of long range NATO weapons in deep strikes into Russia where Russia got NATO to back down. A lot of that has to do with Russia having a relatively large modern army with air, naval and ground forces, and Russia of course having nuclear weapons. Unfortunately that situation is reversed in the Middle East, with Israel having a modern mechanised army and nuclear weapons, and the resistance not having such capabilities.

    If you want to do analysis here, I guess it would come down to the five monopolies used to maintain imperial control and reproduce global capitalism: the monopoly of technology generated by the military expenditures of the imperialist centres; the monopoly of access to natural resources; the monopoly over finance; the monopoly over international communication and the media; and the monopoly over the means of mass destruction.

    Russia got cut out if the global finance system with SWIFT, and got cut out of “international media” in the West with the banning of it’s media outlets. But with natural resources, technology from China on the civilian front, and their own military technology which is very advanced, and their own nuclear weapons, they were able to do quite well.

    With regards to the resistance, they are quite behind the USA and Israel on all five fronts here, although Iran has made great progress in military technology over a short period of time.

  • Israel’s air bases are heavily protected by arrow hypersonic interceptors, david’s sling (an improved Patriot system/patriot replacement), the warplanes themselves can shoot down incoming missiles, etc. And any major attack on an Israeli airbase would involve the US and UK mobilising rapidly to protect it and shoot down incoming missiles and drones. A saturation attack could work as shown by Iran earlier this year, but that requires a lot of co-ordination and planning, to fire hundreds of missiles and drones at the correct times. The planes themselves are also likely stored in concrete hangars designed to withstand strikes when not performing missions, so you’d need a lot of ordinance or specialised bunker buster warheads to take one out while it’s in a protected hangar. It’s a highly complex operation, and given Hezbollah’s current arsenal, maybe not the most feasible.

  • Realistically, the only thing that would stop Israel bombing with impunity would be for Hezbollah to confront the Israeli Air Force with modern air defence systems, and start shooting their planes down. Unfortunately Hezbollah do not have this capability. The missile threat was always an asymmetric deterrence or trump card Hezbollah and the rest of the resistance had, to try scare Israel from doing such operations. But at the end of the day if Israel wants to fly their warplanes over a country and bomb it, there is not much the resistance can do with their current capabilities to directly stop the modern US warplanes Israel has. It is important to be realistic about the current capabilities of the resistance in this regard.

  • The people of South Africa stand with you and your friend forever and always, we try our best to help even though we’re a poor third world country on the other side of the globe. I hope one day that you can rid yourself of this horrible Israeli apartheid and live in freedom and peace in your own land. It seems impossible, but that’s what they said about South Africa in the past.

    As for a question, what kind of music does he like/listen to? I always find that can be helpful for the soul when going through difficult times.