• Sprinklebump@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Communism is the absence of the state and the withering away of class distinctions.

    So is the USSR not communist by your definition?

      • Sprinklebump@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        but stating that “communism isn’t the solution long term” makes no sense. Do you understand the distinction?

        I feel this is like syamtics. Anarchist are socialists as well. but if some told me “I dont think anarchy is the way foward”

        I dont think it would be fair for me to say to " no you mean socialism, Anarchy is the Goal! not the current situation"

        It doesnt make sense to think that communism isnt the solution? This makes me feel like communists are unable to have real discussion with anarchists about the flaws within communism.

        I feel anarchy is the only real way to gaurentee long term that people will be continually liberated. I think that any real hierarchical system will enventually turn back into a police state. We saw this in the USSR. And we see in in the CPC too.

        They once had revolutionary components which I support. But those begin to dwindle the minute they took power and likey before.

        From the origins of revolutionary communism came a police state. How do MLs deal with the flaws shown in The USSR? By saying that it wasn’t communist?

        This is what I mean when I say i dont think communism is the solution long term. That communists governments have a tendency to turn toward police states. Call it what you want but lenin was a marxist from my understanding and marxist are considered communists. Right?

          • Sprinklebump@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            if you are referring to the method and work (aka. Marxism/ML), is something that you have asserted but not proven.


            “But of all the revolutionary elements in Russia it is the Anarchists who now suffer the most ruthless and systematic persecution. Their suppression by the Bolsheviki began already in 1918, when — in the month of April of that year — the Communist Government attacked, without provocation or warning, the Anarchist Club of Moscow and by the use of machine guns and artillery “liquidated” the whole organisation.”

            Emma goldman

              • Sprinklebump@lemm.ee
                1 year ago

                to the false narrative of Bolshevik betrayal and anarchist victimhood which she is attempting to create.

                Do you have any evidence that this is false or do you just not like it?

                Alls I hear is a lot of what aboutism.

                "Emma goldman is writing about anarchist being murdered but whatabout the the bad things anarchists did? "

                Emma goldman was a russia born anarchist critiquing The USSR.

                Are you going to respond the to claims they are making or are you going to cherry pick out the racist stuff?

                We can stop honeslty. if you believe that anarchism is eurofacism we have very little to talk about.

                  • Sprinklebump@lemm.ee
                    1 year ago

                    God I hate that term.

                    Yeah the racist Republicans in the US use whataboutism all the time to skirt around actual critiques. They really hate it when you call them out on it

                    Did anarchist attack and kill communists during that time period? Yes. Does that make thier critiques about soviet authoritarianism invalid or make emma Goldman letters false. No. It just means there is nuance in history.

                    I dont categorically support emma goldman. And Im not surprised they said some racist things. Thats why I am able to separate the good things they did while critizing the bad.

                    You should try it!

                    It is a known fact that the USSR consolidated power within russia after the october revolution. They killed and jailed anarchists and many other opossing groups.

                    And when lenin died and stalin took over, he did it too. This is what large goverments must do to maintain power.

                    The fact that you can’t admit that means you a defintiately a tankie.

                    By merely mentioning an informal fallacy I have torn your argument asunder! You are the one who has proven nothing.

                    You sound like a jackass when you write this way. imo.

      • Catweazle@social.vivaldi.net
        1 year ago

        @robinn2 @Sprinklebump, it is because it is so easy to deceive people with labels, be it socialism, communism or democracy. All of them have been or are dictatorships ruled by an elite. It does not matter a “communism” where an elite of supposed representatives governs or a democracy where these representatives of lobbies govern instead of the people.
        A country where there is no sovereignty of the people is still a feudal dictatorship of capital, that sooner or later always fails.