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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Someonelol@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mleat the rich
    8 months ago

    Take the route California is taking and educate the kids about worker’s rights. Teach them it’s not okay to be exploited at the work place and encourage them to tell their parents about it. Civics classes should also be taught to learn how the government works and what people’s rights are under the Constitution. Encourage people to unionize now that they know how the system works.

    Once the basics have been taught, elect people who care about government reform for social policies by paying for them with higher corporate and personal wealth taxes. Reform the tax system the wealthy have been using to hide their money. All their money is tied up in stocks and they’re living off of multimillion dollar loans? Fuck them, tax a big percentage of the loan. All these things can be done to indirectly seize the fruits of their production at least.

  • Someonelol@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlDefediverse
    10 months ago

    I can’t read the first link as it’s behind a paywall. The second link talked about how Roosevelt tried to establish cordial relations with the Soviet Union but was hampered by their refusal to acknowledge debts owed by the Tsarist government, refusal to stop spreading propaganda within the US, and the killing of Leningrad Communist party boss Sergey Kirov which " launched the first of the “Great Purges” that led to the death or imprisonment of millions of Soviet citizens as the Stalinist regime liquidated any potential critics of the government. The wide scope and public nature of the purges horrified both American diplomatic personnel stationed in the Soviet Union, and the world at large."

    Gee I wonder why the USSR had such a tough go at getting allies…

  • Someonelol@lemmy.mltochapotraphouse@hexbear.net...
    10 months ago

    I’m not denying anything bad happened here. It’s bad to cause a genocide from either party. It’s bad to for the US to have stolen land from the Native Americans, forcing them to relocate in shitty places, and systematically destroy their culture through isolation and cheap alcohol.

    It’s bad to force Uyghurs into “re education camps” to erase their culture and harvest their organs.

    It’s bad for the US to have squashed protests about the Vietnam War in front of the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention.

    It’s bad for the CCP to have squashed calls for democracy and freedom of speech in Tiananmen Square.

    It’s almost like people in power do shitty things regardless of the type of government.

  • Mexico encouraged Americans to move into Texas as means to populate and develop the area so long as the settlers agreed to assimilate to Mexican culture. Unfortunately the settlers weren’t loyal to the Mexican government and started a revolt for independence when Mexico outlawed slavery in 1829. Thanks to the fumblings of general Santa Anna, the rebels captured him and had him sign the Treaties of Velasco in 1836 essentially conceding all land above the Rio Grande to the rebels in exchange for his life.

    This of course infuriated the central Mexican government and they refused to ratify the treaties. Due to internal instability though the central government was unable to do much about it and had no choice but to leave the matter alone. It was only after Texas was admitted to the US as a slave state did president James K Polk start a fight with Mexico over the territory that eventually led to Mexico’s defeat and loss of all other land that make up the states you’re referring to.

    Even though all Mexican citizens who ended up in the new American borders were invited to stay as American citizens, some were systematically deported over the years well into the early 20th century.