blahaj, a stuffed animal sold by a company that is the number one consumer of wood in the world. it becomes extremely popular because of memes, more people buy it. i dont get it comrades, it seems like pandering to me. ikea isnt like boeing in terms of awfulness but its existence is resulting in increased deforestation around the world. the ikea stores act as cultural embassies for sweden, they provide a sanitized commodified disneylandesque experience of sweden which really helps their public image on the world stage when they are allowing hate crimes against muslims to occur in their country, but hey, buy the toy shark, trans rights, consume treats, all being trans is is buying useless shit with the pride flag on it from corporations that wouldnt have hired you ten years ago but now want your money. in conclusion blahaj is a class traitor, embrace neopets, i sure hope theres no weird shit going on there like a christofascist owns it and is donating money to trump, and no i didnt look up anything about neopets, im just assuming theirs something bad there too. i wonder how right i am about that?

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    More-so I haven’t heard any news about hatecrimes against muslims in Sweden, they have people burning their religious book.

    Burning the Qu’ran is very specifically calculated to incite violence by causing maximum insult and distress to the Muslim population, and then compound that distress when the society they’re in treats them as hostile and unreasonable for being angry at the deliberate provocation. Fascists have a simple, reliable weapon for provoking violence while alienating Muslim people from the society around them and they use it ruthlessly to further their agenda.

    Whether it’s reasonable to kill someone over a book is not the point. The point is the clear political goal of militant, violent right-wing actors. The method doesn’t matter, and the idea that this has anything to do with a tolerant or pluralist society at this point in the game is silly. One could simply shoot the fascists who want to incite sectarian violence and everything would be resolved.

      1 year ago

      So where is the hatecrime? You used a lot of words but none to actually talk about this. You apparently have strong feelings about the burnings. But that does not make them a hatecrime. I think it’s stupid to burn any book, but as an atheist I think both sides are acting foolish. By now they have burned more Swedish flags than there were book burnings. So perhaps that should be enough. The post and your comment read as a call to ban Ikea for being Swedish because there were book burnings in Sweden. By that logic we can ban just about anything.

      • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
        1 year ago

        but as an atheist I think both sides are acting foolish

        This isn’t about you dipshit, you can’t insist that burning the Quran isn’t an inflammatory act pursued by fascist hate groups and that no one should feel anything about it. Of course you don’t give a shit, it’s not your holy book and you’re not a stranger in a strange land. The fuck is wrong with you, we’re talking about human beings, with feelings.

          1 year ago

          I didn’t make this about me, there is no hatecrime here. That was what I responded to. The people that seem to be mostly aggravated aren’t the strangers in the strange land but the people that live in regimes that couldn’t care less about their own people. They use their doctrine to divide and subjugate their people, talking about fascism. And stop with the name-calling, that’s just pathetic. Speaking about human beings with feelings, look at those regimes once again.
          We are talking about the mascot for trans people, what do you think happens to LGBTQ+ people inder those regimes in name of that book?
          No we need to be more sensitive about that book and less about those people??!