You heard it here first: you should only fear the market once it becomes a bazinga-imperative robot god. Before then, lazy women keep the worst excesses of the market in check, which Grimes claims is a good if temporary thing… i think? morshupls

  • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 month ago

    I love grimes and elon because they both literally represent the “I’ve only read the summary at the top of the wikipedia article and will proceed to both horribly misinterpret the topic/subject & also combine it with my own neuroses” class in the US which has historically been underrepresented!

    Many of us have probably known. or perhaps even previously been, a proto-Grimes or demi-Elon. The dipshit who used to argue with me about Guantanamo Bay being ‘needed’ back in 2008 on the bus but, when asked, literally thought it was on US soil? demi-Elon.

    The cheerleader who burst into tears in HS when our AP Biology teacher told us in no uncertain terms that we would all have to do an individual presentation on evolution, got fired from her nursing job during the pandemic because she refused to get the vaccine when doctors & nurses were literally dying from treating patients, and since then has been selling Scentsy wax melts on Facebook & constantly posting shit like '“has anyone thought about the fact that during 2020, we had ZERO cases of flu but suddenly there’s a ‘pandemic’?? WAKE UP!!!”?? Proto-Grimes.

    Anyways all this to say I love people like this because I am constantly going “is this slop for me???” and getting into arguments with them because it is always funny

    • i can’t stand people like this directly, but i love hearing about them second hand.

      like my aunt is a class 4 (fully blown) dumbass. i guess she drank heavily as a young adult or something and was “wild” but eventually transformed into an extremely pious evangelical and with MAGA characteristics. lots of other negative characteristics as you can imagine.

      when covid hit, she refused to vaccinate or mask. due to her own independent research. the broader family isn’t perfect, but there are a lot of very elderly people in it and people with spines so everyone decided, as a bloc, to refuse her entry into homes and what small family functions occured, if she would not take precautions.

      and lo, there began a great wailing from her mouth, but she would not vaccinate or mask.

      eventually she moved away, which i guess was supposed to be a tantrum / invitation for people to chase after, but nobody did lol. the general vibe seems to be “good riddance.”