it would be so nice to see these numbers at demonstrations here in the imperial core but as soon as a hundredth of this crowd was in place they’d get teargassed
it would be so nice to see these numbers at demonstrations here in the imperial core but as soon as a hundredth of this crowd was in place they’d get teargassed
At least in my experience, it’s not just that imperials will get tear gassed, it’s that they’re not psychologically, or equipmentologicaly, prepared to be teargassed. Americans show up to stand in a park, hold their sign, and go home. They’re not showing up to pick a fight and they don’t really know how to incorporate the idea that the police will violently suppress them just for “peaceful assembly” in to their world view. They’re domesticated.
Most white people still have trouble understanding an adversarial relationship with the police means that you’ll have to get into scraps with them.
Lib “protests” anyway.