in putting “useless eaters” in camps and killing them.

Add on top of that a heatwave that won’t break until next week and all the general news about Biden and Trump has made me kind of existential dread modeing. What the fuck do we do?

  • LaughingLion [any, any]
    4 months ago

    My father is legitimately one of the more outgoing and compassionate men I have ever met. He has raised money for kids with disabilities for most of his adult life, volunteered countless hours. He is very Catholic and spends a lot of time with elderly and the dying, especially people from his parish (this is a very hard thing to do if you have ever done it you know). He took out a mortgage on his house to pay for cancer treatment for my step-grandmother. Anytime any of his kids or grandkids needs money he’ll literally go in the red to make sure they aren’t put in a bad spot financially. He’s not rich, but he has retirement funds from 3 sources. He has worked his whole life being a provider. I see him constantly comfort people who need it, provide for people struggling to provide for themselves, and spend his time in charity and aid to the vulnerable.

    But democrats are demon pinko commie f**s, immigrants are dirty and should be shot, and Israel/Palestine should be nuked. Rightwing media has destroyed his brain. It’s so gross. It’s like a switch inside him from this beautiful person of god he practices to this virulently evil trooper in service to whatever hateful demagogue was feature on the television this week. I’m not asking him to be a hippie but just recognize when the worst elements of the human psyche are being weaponized against him.