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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Right, it’s not a company, and it relies on the unpaid labor of volunteers, who Peters was driving away. That’s mentioned in the thread. Though they are not a company with employees, they are still a community that needs to attract talent. You seem to be giving a lot more leeway to interpretations of Peters’ words than my comparison. Odd.

    So he’s dismissing the training; in doing so he’s also dismissing that it’s worthwhile to try and have an environment free from sexual harassment. That’s not somebody I’d want as a representative of an inclusive community. The steering committee seems to agree.

    From the Coc:

    • Showing empathy towards other community members. We’re attentive in our communications, whether in person or online, and we’re tactful when approaching differing views.
    • Being considerate. Members of the community are considerate of their peers – other Python users.
    • Being respectful. We’re respectful of others, their positions, their skills, their commitments, and their efforts.
    • Gracefully accepting constructive criticism. When we disagree, we are courteous in raising our issues.
    • Using welcoming and inclusive language. We’re accepting of all who wish to take part in our activities, fostering an environment where anyone can participate and everyone can make a difference.

  • In the same comment from Smith:

    I want to assure everyone that the points we made in the original post were so pointed exactly because of the complaints we received from community members.

    The “points” being three of the items that appeared on the suspension. This is specifically about Tim Peters.

    So to sum up: they received complaints specifically about Peters. Then said people (plural) complain and that’s how they hear about it. If that’s not clear, it’s not the author’s fault.

  • You can read one of the responses about this that’s linked in the article: https://discuss.python.org/t/inclusive-communications-expectations-in-python-spaces/57950/11

    Other members and users repeatedly complained about Peters’ conduct which resulted in the list. From that particular link:

    This is exactly how the rest of us hear about the many people who don’t want to be here because of the behaviors they routinely witness and experience.

    Members and would be members are quite literally afraid to bring it up publicly because they get jumped on by people telling them they are wrong. They simply do not want to interact in our spaces at all which means they remain invisible and even when some are brave enough to speak up, as has happened multiple times in these threads, they appear to often be ignored. It is shameful.

    The number of people I’ve worked with who would’ve made great open source contributors, here or elsewhere, who’ve effectively turned tail and said “hell no!” to the suggestion because of how they see people get treated by those already in this pool is more than I can count. :frowning: