welll then just use inches
welll then just use inches
just convert it with math?
it’s not really that hard…
Suicide is the biggest killer of people under the age of 35 and the biggest killer of men under the age of 50
(i will probably be in that second statistic)
it’s all bots there now…
freeze peachers?
no distractions…
one metaphor i heard is, holding a program in your head is like building a house of cards, every time a phone rings or something breaks your concentration, you have to rebuild the house
(that’s cool… my environmental science teacher spent a minute on how volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), such as gasoline fumes, are really bad for the environment, and most people don’t operate the pump in the exact proper way to not release said fumes… but gas station attendants are taught how, and that’s why it’s the law in oregon…
probably not the original reason it was a law in NJ in the 40’s, sure…)
i would too, if they weren’t all around me…
(there’s actually good environmental reasons for that)
Trader Joes has good store brand beer…
Georgia boots are the shit…
that’s pretty common on reddit
it’s satire
hi, id like the Heavy Burden code…
“Israeli quadcopter drones opened fire on Palestinians who had gathered to receive flour brought by UN trucks”
well that’s about the most horrible thing ive ever heard of…