The gazebo cries out in agony, a series of high-itched squeaks emit from it and it breaks apart into a swarm of purple rubber duckies that amass into a giant fist, pummeling you for your audacity. The fist swings, the purple duckies bobbing and undulating like a wave of scurrying ants. When the the fist hits you an enormous SQUEAK rattles you teeth. You fly backwards in an arc, hitting a nearby flower stand, the flowers explode out in a flurry of daisies, roses and tulips, the startled flower-seller jumps in the nearby shallow creek in a panic. You are now covered in assorted flowers. What do you do?
You find tiny phonographs attached to each flower, playing a symphony of staccato squeaks. The music swells and as it does your thoughts become scattered and erratic, you feel your limbs begin to involuntarily move in jerky motions. Describe how you stop the maniacal music from controlling your mind and roll a D6!