The reasons were many and verified.
Good news! You may be pre-qualified!
As per my email dated…
I end all my work emails with "Thanks* and let the inflection be my own
Telemetry data will still be saved in the car systems, but not broadcast anywhere. So not too bad
If you have to explain every fucking thing, it’s good nothing happened
Still the correct answer
As a late 40s white man, I agree
The way what you have to say gets to most internet users is via light, no matter
Better than magma toots
I wish the East Coast person was in Portland, ME
The thing is it does need to be said. And it needs to be said about Hamas and Palestinians. And it needed to be said about the Taliban and Afghans, Hussain and the Iraqi people, ISIS and Muslims.
At least in America, lots of people need reminding.
Greatest sci-fi quote: Victory tastes like ashes
This seems particularly cruel