That vimeo link of the spanish tv crew coverage doesn’t seem to work for me. Do you happen to have any mirror of it?
That vimeo link of the spanish tv crew coverage doesn’t seem to work for me. Do you happen to have any mirror of it?
Tux is in need of a glass of wine to handle all those pesky windows households
I went into void as my first DIY distro, mainly because I wanted to mess around with window managers and it was a very good experience. Runit made my underpowered laptop boot into linux in like 4 seconds, crazy fast. XBPS package manager was always really really fast too. I like the fact that nearly everything you need is in the official repo, instead of having to delve into the depths of something like the AUR. I also managed to make a contribution to the repos with the help of the community on the IRC chat rooms which were very noob friendly. Overall just a solid experience.
Definitely overkill, but considering the chip is going into flagship phones it’s almost to be expected. Really going off topic here, but with this much performance, I really think the next step should be to make x86_64 apps compatible on these phones. Wine on ARM is getting pretty good with projects like FEX and Box64 being capable of getting console-like performance on full blown desktop games with these newer phones. Idk, I feel like features like Samsung Dex could actually become a serious desktop replacement if they could implement more office solutions from PC’s programs. We’re at the point where I think it would be feasible to do, imo.