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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • And once again yall fail.

    Ultimately, I don’t really care if you agree with my reasoning. I want you to point out what the best option in November is. Because it sure as shit isn’t trump.

    And not surprisingly, all you seem chariot activists who only just now started giving a shit about the Palestinian suffering after ignoring it for the last 70 years, have no viable solution. Because you haven’t done shit in the last 70 years to elect a congress (the same congress who ratified the treaty with Isreal hampering the “near unlimited powers of state the president has” the same congress who keeps sending money to Isreal that the president can’t just not send, unless you need Biden to be impeached, like trump did when he denied congressional funding to Ukraine, further hampering that do called near unlimited power) or the white house, to effectively change our foreign policy in the middle east. Hell you haven’t done shit even since Netanyahu showed his true fascist colors.

    Yall want to come on the interwebs and beat your chest, despite the fact that we’ve finally got aide for Gaza in a bill finally, and bitch and moan that Biden can’t overturn 70 years of foreign policy in less than a year when you woke up to a 70 year plight.

    When November comes I’ll pick Gazas best hope in a two party election and sleep with the knowledge that I did the best I could with what was available, then continue to work to support a better party. Keep hitting the sidewalk to get better. Get signatures. And you? You’ll still look like a toddler day dreaming of rainbow shitting unicorns rather than being the adult you are and doing what you can with what you have while actively, and actually working, to make things better.

  • So what’s your solution? Let me correct that, what’s your viable solution?

    Seriously, put a viable, can take the seat, and enough of the congressional seats to push us to not trump and you have my vote.

    Oh wait, instead of getting out to organize, you’re on the internet supporting the empty platitudes that will elect a man who is the same president who put Isreal in Jerusalem.

    For someone against genocide, you’re doing nothing to prevent it beyond helping the person who is objectively worse for Gaza. The man who entertained kissenger, who destroyed the deal with Iran that might’ve given us leverage against Israel, the man who idolized world dictators, who spoke favorably of Netanyahu.

    Your words on the interbet mean nothing if you’re not out trying to build the better party in our imperfect system.

    When he’s elected, and Netanyahu is given full unwavering support, you’ll have no one but yourself but to blame. Biden has made small but significant steps in pushing 70 years of international policy away from blind, unwavering support. Without congress there’s literally only so much he can do with it only ally in the middle east. All of that disappears as fast as the nuclear deal with Iran, when you help elect the guy who actually does support genocide. The same man who actively passed multiple Muslim ban initiatives.

  • I do have this problem with the monitor I hook up to my laptop for gaming occasionally. It’s looser because it gets plugged and unplugged more commonly and can occasionally slip out of I move my laptop to my lap so I can lean back when my back starts to ache.

    But this is not a common situation I think

  • I don’t get your first statement at all. I have no problem opening anything in office 365 and I’m the only one in my office with 365, everyone else has a version of office suite that you could buy outright (which is my biggest complaint about 365, personally I’d rather own it) and we have 0 issue transferring documents back and forth.

    Including our insanely complex payroll excel sheet that should be a database. We pay people on 7 different pay schemes, from hourly, to commission, to peice rate, with base rates and bonuses, to special pay programs, using insanely complex macros and external sources, most of which are Google sheets. And that workbook functions from 365 to 2003

    I always get warnings that I can break, but it never actually does

    What are you doing in office that causes it to break between versions?

  • That’s what kills me about people who rag on Americans.

    We order our dates the way we say them, and we use a temperature system is a great way to describe feeling heat.

    I’ve got no defense for imperial measurements beyond scooping up a cup of flour is easier than dumping it on a scale.

    But people spend more energy shitting on the cultural norms of Americans than anyone else (especially Europeans) and then spend a lot of time telling us we have no culture.