It’s a trap, you piece of shit
It’s a trap, you piece of shit
Better call Dave
they doesn’t deem a leaking body a defect
Does that mean they purposely design their pens to leak? If it’s not a defect, it must be by design, right? Unless the user did something to break it, accidentally or otherwise
I hope they bring this to modern consoles, I never had any Xbox consoles but would like to play it
This was Mitten Squad. RIP you magnificent bastard
I found one that fails!
They really missed the mark not supporting cloud streaming. I was considering getting one if it could do that, as it would be pretty handy while away from home. But £200 for a remote play device is way too much. Playstation just can’t seem to do portables very well
I used to spend it on IAPs for Pokémon go, but I’ve kinda stopped caring about it as much recently. Not sure what I’ll start spending it on now. Guess I’ll decide once I’ve save up a decent amount
I’d like to see a clickbaity article about this with a title like “Adobe steals product customer paid for, admits they are an ’ untrustworthy reseller’ of their own products”