China is famous for cheaply produced junk. But most of the good stuff on the market these days is also made in China, and those factories are probably also on AliExpress. You have to do a lot of the same research you’d have to do with Amazon purchases (a lot of it is just the same stuff) but you can almost always find cheaper prices at AliEx.
Will you find a specific brand-name thing you’re looking for? No (unless it’s a Chinese or AliExpress-native brand, which is a thing these days). Will you find something in a product category that will probably solve the problem you’re having? Yeah, good chance (again, pretty much the same way that Amazon works now).
I’ve had good luck with: t-shirts, costume pieces, USB cables, audio cables, watches and watch accessories (bands, boxes, etc.), guitar pedals and other guitar accessories, sunglasses, photo accessories.
yeah I haven’t personally looked into computer components on aliex but considering where they’re all made I’m sure there are good sellers with good stuff.