• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Beautiful article thanks for sharing.

    This highlights the problem that inherently exists in nature: feedback loops.

    Repeated exposure to similar information or signals amplifies/entrenches existing patterns and can lead to distortion, narrowing frequencies, and reduced adaptability.

    Its why these people turn into racists, sexists, abusers, etc. they get what they want all the time simply because they have money and power and know how to game systems. So they learn on those narrow pathways that they get what they want when they want.

    They learn a reality that doesn’t exist for the greater whole because they themselves are not living as the greater whole does. None of this is rocket science.

    I have to conclude that Extreme wealth threatens the stability of our society. Not arguing for communism or anything else. Every path has its hazards and shortcuts. Just pointing out problems and opening the floor to discussion of the problem and potential solutions

  • Jsyk you can disable the location stuff, but they do scan everything for “WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDRENNN” purposes which means it could just as easily be scanned for [ARBITRARY_NATIONAL_SECURITY_REASON] or whatever else they want so not sure it’s a very privacy friendly solution.

    Their support also sucks ass - they bombed me with like 100+ emails the one day because their system must’ve glitched out. Never have gotten a real person before, it’s almost always a bot with a human name and the cam girl bot farms come through every now and then spamming you with friend adds

  • Not quite!


    mylist = [value for value in range(1,20)]

    This says I want to make mylist be a list where each element of the list (called value here) comes from doing a for loop on range, given the parameters 1, and 20.

    If you want to change how each element of this list is, you do it in the first bit on “value”

    So you could do

    mylist = [value*5 for value in range(1,20)] //5,10,15,…,95 (not 100, because ranges go up to the last item, not including it (non-inclusive))

    Etc. Hope this makes sense!


  • Victimized ✅

    Logical fallacy of ignorance ✅

    Ignores the atrocities and genocide committed in the name of “religion” ✅

    You are quite literally the pot calling the kettle black with your “small minded” comment. Nobody here was persecuting religion, but specific implementations that have committed mass murder, or engage in obnoxious displays (screaming at people at events (some events designed to support groups of people), going door to door, shaming vulnerable people trying to get medical procedures, etc etc)

    The day you widen your view to see others perspectives and history of abuse is the day you’ll actually be on the right “religious” track. Humanity is the religion.