You did not. You hinted at a point without stating it directly.
Are you saying that this corruption charge is disingenuous and intended to redirect attention from other issues? Because if so you need to make that explicit and then support it with evidence. Otherwise it sounds like you’re parroting known disinformation.
If you’re going to try and call somebody out like that, you should do your homework.
The only times since 1998 (the first year of data for Ukraine) that Russia was deemed less corrupt than Ukraine were the stretches from 2000-2004 and 2011-2015.
Ukraine performed better than Russia 1998-1999, 2005-2008, 2010, and 2017-2023. They were a cumulative 20 points better on corruption than Russia over that time.
No, I’m talking about the 2004 elections. In case you’d forgotten, Russia was so upset about failing that they attempted to assassinate the rightful winner. When Yanukovych eventually gained power, he was so transparent about wanting to turn Ukraine into an authoritarian vassal state of Russia that parliament removed him and undid his efforts to convert the presidency into a dictatorship. And then he fled to Russia.