• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I think the big reason that nobody’s mentioned yet is simply that they were earlier. Back when projects like Tox and Matrix were first starting to pop up, telegram was already fully formed. Signal didn’t come until at least a year later and didn’t have feature parity until several years later. Telegram by contrast was a much closer experience to WhatsApp and Messenger, making the transition much easier, particularly for low-tech knowledge users.

  • Yeah, doesn’t seem like a ban was at all justified. This part stuck out to me:

    I believe the best way to moderate a small community such as this in order to facilitate it’s growth is to be as hands-off as possible.

    Except as it relates to meta-posts, huh? That’s a strange choice for a supposedly community driven model.

    All that said, I am very much in favor of some of the things you suggest (particularly dedicated threads for discussion on each new movie) and I think it would probably go a long way towards improving the real-world value of the community. I think this is particularly true as it seems unlikely that with 1.1k subscribers the community has properly filled their niche.

    Do you think there is any way the mod of [email protected] would consider some sort of deal wherein you moderate and run this spinoff community with more structured discussion, while they link to and officially endorse the community (of course contingent on ongoing good relations)? Mentioning @[email protected]

  • I think one thing you’re missing here is that under such a system the defaults would likely become your locally hosted /c/books rather than the largest one. Even still you’d probably see posts from the largest books communities because /c/books@your_instance follows multiple /c/books@big_instance. Community blocking would likely still work as it currently does so any books communities that you were not fond of could still be blocked.

    There is still the issue of where do you post and I think the answer looks something like:

    • Post in /c/books@your_instance if you want to talk to your neighbors
    • Post in /c/books@big_instances if you want to talk to everybody

    Which is more or less how most people would decide where to post book stuff anyway.