
Keyoxide: $argon2id$v=19$m=8192,t=2,p=4$jxJjKHbOe6nCL4sFU0cPTQ$dIcs/Q8WShEaiy1l3VRnE34IEC0fcGgB

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Neat project!

    While this might not solve all of your use cases, did you consider a tool like mise?

    Theres a number of other options out there such as asdf-vm and others who’s names I can’t recall. I recently moved from asdf to miss but its a great way to install things on different machines and track it with your dotfiles, or any other repo you want to use. Mise has tons of configuration options for allowing overrides and local machine specific versions.

    It won’t tie into apt for your upgrades but you could just alias your apt update to include && mise up.

  • I think this is largely a trap to think of this way. Just because a game is award winning doesn’t mean you will or have to like it.

    For example I think breath of the wild is on its best days a 6/10; but rating things on a scale is also, IMO, meaninglessness without context as to why someone feels that way.

    Example aside, the thing to realize is you don’t have to play any game you aren’t into. I recently played Disco Elysium and loved it. I think one of the reasons was I happened to be in the right headspace for that game. Its a very unique experience and I hesitate to recommend it to anyone in spite of my enjoyment.

    Games are meant to be fun. If youre not enjoying one, move on. You can always come back to one some other time. It took me a long time fighting the sunk cost fallacy, convincing myself, “I’ve come this far, I should see how it ends”.

    TLDR life is short, time spent gaming should be gaming on things you enjoy. Don’t let any reviews or hot takes force you into playing something that doesn’t jive with you.

  • StreetComplete is perhaps the easiest and maybe best way to contribute as it is on rails. Constraining input for newer users is great. If your area is saturated with information I look at that as a win for the open community as a whole, but I understand the desire to add more.

    There is SCEE which has advanced features and more editing options but I haven’t explored it yet. I am just happy something like StreetComplete exists to allow me to contribute in a meaningful way without adding garbage data.