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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • For anyone on iOS, you can do most of this there too. On older iPhones you need a lightning to USB-A adapter you can get on AliExpress for like $3, but on USB-C iPhones it works directly.

    The Files app has become like a full file manager, with local storage, unzipping, archiving, SMB connections, as well as most cloud storage services connect to it. Download Keka from the App Store and you can even unpack 7z, ISOs, everything you can do on a desktop.

  • The bar and Tinder are not the exclusive domain of hookups. I met my partner of 5 years on bumble, my friend met his wife on Tinder.

    I think the advice others are giving is true to some extent, work on yourself and good things will come, but for most people you also have to go the extra mile and put yourself out there.

    Put yourself on the apps. Go to clubs, leagues, meetups, socials, events, parties etc. In general, say yes instead of no and talk to people instead of not. If something starts to develop you can give out those vibes that you’re looking for something more serious, and people will self-select.

  • shinratdr@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlsIGmA BeHaiovouR
    2 months ago

    Most people.

    Also the majority of people even on PC play vanilla. When will people who mod understand this. MOST PEOPLE DON’T MOD. That’s not even counting the people who did mod when they had the time to fuck around with stuff like that and no longer do, like myself.

  • I hate them. The stores clearly weren’t designed with them in mind, and all it does is make getting from point A to point B 10x harder if those points aren’t exactly where they expect you to go. Need to get to customer service or grab a paper after you’ve entered the store already? Good luck, now you have to go ALLLL the way around the store, fully exit, and then you can get there. Before it was a 2 second walk, now it’s 5 minutes.

  • shinratdr@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlYes, but
    3 months ago

    I think the problem with capitalism isn’t the cool stuff that has been produced under it, it’s everything else about it. Literally the only reason to forgo buying a MacBook or a Google Home device as some sort of anti-capitalism spite move is to have the upper hand in conversations like this. In reality, you not making those purchases won’t move the needle in any way. If it did, it would be in the negative. Our entire economic system and system of employment relies on making purchases like that. Consumer spending is the economy.

    Fundamentally there is no difference between buying an iPhone vs any other phone in terms of its support for capitalism. If anything, an iPhone might be better. Apple actually inspects its factories and at least pays lip service to stopping the most egregious abuses like forced or child labour. That white box Chinese android phone? If anything was built by forced or child labour, it’s that.

    So targeting individuals for their purchases is both pointless and counterproductive. If you want to affect change, then vote, protest, organize. Push for and support proper regulation and controls. Make it so that people’s employment isn’t required for them to get healthcare, services, shelter. Make it so that an economic recession impacts those with the most, not those with the least.

    Stressing about trying to make the least capitalist choice under a capitalist system just does exactly what they want you to do. The more time you spend judging your neighbour, the less time you spend looking up and see who’s really fucking you.

  • Pokémon Sweatshops

    I think that was literally a plot point in one of the earlier games or anime? That one will be easy to adapt, just make Team Rocket the heroes for being shrewd businesspeople and you the villain for daring to question the will of the free market.

  • Wouldn’t the better move be the exact opposite? If you really want to move go for it, but barrier to entry only gets lower as time goes on, not higher.

    I don’t know what “scramble” you would need if you did move to Jellyfin. If your library and setup is already working on Plex, why wouldn’t it just be a matter of installing Jellyfin, adding the library folders you already use with Plex and letting everything scan in? Ask your users to create accounts and add them?

    And if it’s not that simple, then it’s hard to argue that it’s on the same level as Plex, isn’t it? Who even knows what the future holds? If Plex eventually collapses, Jellyfin might not even be the best solution. More time allows them to continue to improve it, or other solutions to emerge.

    Plex literally has no purpose outside of the core library product. The other revenue streams exist to fund the core product, and it’s not a public company. AFAIK, Elan is still the creator, founder and CTO of Plex. If he leaves or they make moves to go public, then I’ll begin the arduous task of clicking on an installer 5 times and adding some folders to a new service.

    For now, I think I’m good.

  • This is absolutely not a “US under regulation thing”, that makes no sense. What “regulation” would dictate what a connector carries over its cable? That would be compliance with the spec, and the spec is a connector.

    USB-C can carry USB 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, PD, DisplayPort, wattages from 5w to 100w & Thunderbolt 4. No one cable would be required to carry all those or all cables would be $50/ft.

    Just because you’ve never encountered a USB-C power only cable doesn’t mean they don’t exist in your country. They’re made by the bucketload in China, and you’ll encounter one soon enough.

  • Yeah because PlayStation Now, OnLive, Stadia, xCloud, GeForce Now & Luna were such rousing successes.

    When are people going to realize that the AAA gaming crowd just isn’t interested in Cloud gaming? They have oodles of disposable income, “cost” is not a real barrier to entry for this group.

    Microsoft should abandon the Xbox and offer some kind of BC program, I agree with that. But any box is as good as the next. Offer xCloud and game streaming on everything, stop making hardware, and publish games for PS5, PC, and Switch where it makes sense.

    Maybe it’ll take off, maybe it won’t. But the actual console part of the business isn’t doing them any favours, they’re just PCs sold at crappy margins now.