I think your explanation has best explained it - you see it more as both parties sort of upholding an undemocratic status quo (as you said, Republicans actively doing x activity with Democrats either not doing enough to counteract or being implicit) rather than the Dems/Biden offering a tangible actual long-term change. I understand as well that the party had better candidates than Biden/Hillary but the candidacy is heavily dependent on funding/donations, which is wildly inequitable. Thank you for taking the time to explain, very informative.
Great explanation - thank you for re-explaining it to another stranger who’s wandered in here. You’ve explained it well as did another - it’s moreso the case that the optics of Trump Vs. Biden or Rep Vs. Dem looks like a great difference to an outsider, when in reality they’re upholding each other. And totally agreed on the participation of the broken system Vs. useful organisation, makes sense why you’d disregard the election.