

Leftist, horror movies, programming, dumb obscure indie games, angry techno, deathcore, enjoyer of theory.

ghost might be a reference to spectre or just a play on a trapcore artist name…

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m slowly navigating life after becoming vegan and this hasn’t been true all the time for me but when it is, it fucking hits hard.

    My chili recipe was converted to vegan early on after I came over and you can’t fucking tell it’s vegan. I’ve said before on reddit but I will put it up against anyone’s “prize winning chili recipe”.

    I made sloppy joe’s last week with TVP and day one was ok but when it came time for the leftovers, you woundn’t have know it was vegan. To me, it was exactly like the slop I grew up with.

    I’m still trying to master tofu. I can’t get it at all like my favorite Thai place does it.

    I’ve been working a bit with the soy curls and “beef slices” you can find from Asian stores and it’s been hit and miss with trying to get it right but a few weeks ago I made a mushroom, spinach linguine using the slices and it fucking slapped. I hydrated the slices with veggie broth and some spices and then sauteed them in a pan with my shrooms and spinach and tossed the pasta in at the end and sort of winged it but it was really fucking good.

    Another thing that I think needs to be mentioned is that most meat subs are like half the cost of the animal counterpart. Beyond and manufactured seitan obviously isn’t but any of the soy products I’ve tried are. You also get the same or more protein with the substitutes.