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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Slightly related to the issue of remembering addresses, I think the main issue is with the fact that local nameservers are pretty much non-existent if you’re not running OpenWrt or OpnSense. Which is shameful because the local nameserver is an amazing quality of life tool.

    Also the fact that officially there are no local TLDs except for “.arpa” while browsers won’t resolve one word domains without adding http://

    And don’t get me started on TLS certificates in local networks… (although dns01 saves the day)

  • There are actually examples of quite big companies without CEO at all.

    But it really depends on what type of company we’re talking about. In small and medium companies usually (not always unfortunately) CEOs do a terrific job and, depending on the company’s financial condition, might even earn less then some of their employees while bearing a huge responsibility (financial and moral).

    Even in small companies it is sometimes a case that managers do all the work and the CEO is eating profits - there are stories where employees actually prefer the boss to not show up in the office because they only mess everything up.

    Yet if we’re talking about big and huge companies then CEO existence is much harder to defend. If CEO disappeared then by pure inertia the company would work for at least months. Then there’s the Peter Principle and numerous studies how MBAs are actually rather bad boses, in which case if the company keeps existing or even growing then someone else is doing all the management.

    And then, you can’t convince me that someone like Musk, who spends days on posting hateful tweets and attending meetings promoting reproduction, does a meaningful job at all.

    What companies actually need is some decision making body. And that body doesn’t have to be a rich white asshole, but can be for example board representing (proportionally) all the groups in the company, which then can use deliberative democracy to make decisions. Virtually any other solution is better than old rich white sexists CEO.

  • “Unskilled” is only unskilled because no proper training is provided. But you immediately notice if a cashier or cleaner is skilled or not. A cashier will know all the codes, all weird payment methods etc. And a cleaner needs to know the right tools for work, what chemicals to use and so on.

    But if you block training and professional development in those jobs than yeah… they’re unskilled and you have asshole justification for paying poverty wages.

  • I would say that if someone asks a difficult question it’s often difficult because it’s very general, so you don’t have any specific point to answer that you know will satisfy the person asking.

    On the other hand, if someone is writing misinformation then they provide specific statements which still may be difficult to correct but you have those anchor points you can refer to.

    So I guess the thing here is that if someone, after asking a question, writes a BS answer they actually refine their question and narrow its scope, thus making it easier to answer.

    I usually see broad questions about rather simple things unanswered, but very specific yet difficult questions answered