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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023


  • The logical path of progression from here is that “there are no Jews, there are only ‘Israelis’” and "Hitler was right that they were foreigners incompatible with German culture, but his regrettable mistake was not “returning them all to Israel”. From there it’s a simple commitment to ensuring the racial integrity of the “Israeli homeland” by restricting the immigration and citizenship of “Israelis in denial” who are guilty of “autoantisemitism” for not wanting to “go where they belong”.

  • If anything, I think the heightened cultural emphasis on “propaganda” is a byproduct of the consolidation of who is permitted to define “truth” for a population. “Propaganda” is essentially any speech or idea that originates from outside or contradicts the established arbiter of “truth”. Whether or not a thing accurately reflects or conflicts with empirical reality has no bearing on whether it’s considered “propaganda”.

    I don’t think “propaganda” is really a useful term anymore, if it ever was, to describe the accuracy or inaccuracy of a piece of information. It only really describes whether the effect that information has is helpful or harmful to a particular ruling class. It’s more a value judgement than a measure of accuracy.

  • porcupine@lemmygrad.mltochapotraphouse@hexbear.net79°F "Heat Wave"
    17 days ago

    It’s an byproduct of this site’s podcast fandom origin. Some people don’t understand that Chapo’s “bullying is cool” bit is comedic irony aimed at wealthy journalists and politicians on twitter who never actually experience bullying and just have no context for seeing negative feedback to their broadly unpopular opinions.

    It’s also just common regional chauvinism. The same people here who say stuff like “just open a window dipshit, it’s worse where I live and I think it’s comfortable!” will go on to lament the seriousness of climate change elsewhere, then go right on to another post about low temperatures in winter and comment something like “just put on a sweater dipshit, it’s worse where I live and I think it’s comfortable!”