onoira [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024


  • at which point your profit becomes linked to the degree to which you provide the functionality

    except when the commodity is a basic necessity and there’s no alternatives. ‘the market’ can’t really ‘vote with their wallet’ on the cost and quality of shelter, particularly when price fixing is rampant.

    sidenote: ‘voting with your wallet’ implies people with more money than you should have more say in what’s ‘more valuable’, because the rich can always outbid you, and homo economicus is only a thought experiment. (see: foreign real estate investment, conspicuous consumption…)

  • onoira [they/them]@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoAnarchism@lemmy.dbzer0.comWhat radicalized you?
    2 months ago

    being trans and having auDHD with a childhood passion for natural philosophy inoculated me against heteronormative brainworms and their cousins: capitalist, workist, Protestant-work-ethic bullshit.

    being mobbed, assaulted and abused because of this — by parents, siblings, peers, teachers and strangers — is what taught me to hate.

    losing friends to war, suicide, and honour killings is what taught me hopelessness.

    watching my parents work 90 hour weeks and still struggle to pay the bills showed me the contradictions.

    being abandoned and homeless as a teenager when i started fighting back is what radicalised me.

    Bakunin, Kropotkin, Goldman, Luxemburg, Beer, Stallman, Graeber, Swartz and Serafinski taught me why i’m angry, and taught me how to imagine again.

    the fight against triple oppression is what keeps me going.

  • In this case it’s been spread broadly that sony is imposing photo id checks, when as far as I can tell that’s a uk government policy sony is complying with.

    but users wouldn’t need to do that at all were it not for Sony requiring them to make an account that’s obviously not required for the core functionality of the game.

    Likewise “i’m concerned about data privacy” has been another key rallying call. The data Sony asks for, at least in the us, is entirely a matter of public record.

    except Sony doesn’t have that information right now; they don’t know who i am, because i’m not in their primary dataset. ‘that information is already out there’ is different from ‘that information is concentrated and correlated in the database of this service that i don’t trust to keep that information to themselves and that i don’t want to do business with.’ for now, they only have a Steam ID, a display name, and a datacentre IP address. i don’t run the game on my primary PC.

    i don’t give my name and address out to strangers on the street. the information is public, yes, but it’s effectively private until i give them a reason and some key to finding that information. Sony might already have bought my information from some databroker, but for the time being that information doesn’t correlate to any of their ‘customers’.

    yes, this is normal capitalist behaviour. yes, ‘consumer “rights”’ is not emancipatory. yes, there are class unconscious people involved here, and a lot of deskpounding capital-G Gamers.

    … but i don’t understand what the intent is with saying all of this. i don’t really see the intent of saying ‘it’s public information’ or ‘it’s just an account’ or ‘it’s not Sony’s fault’ or ‘corpo’s gonna corpo’. it’s not very insightful, or compassionate; it reads to me as condescending and defeatist. it reminds me of ‘anti-idpol’ talking points.

    for most of these people, all they know how to do is rattle their chains. video games may just be treats, but i know people on disability who were only just starting to make new friends again thanks to this game because of the quality of the in-game ‘community’. for some of them, it’s the first time they’ve had fun in years. to me, it’s about consent, and not being coerced into doing things for no benefit.

    it’s absolutely not okay what happened to one of the community managers. i see the hypocrisy in a bunch of ledditors defending peripheries. but i’m not seeing a great deal of insincerity, and i think this is a more credible issue than gamergate was. the developers are against this change also, and a community manager even said the review bomb and boycott is giving them leverage in their talks with Sony.

  • syndicalism is a tendency of libertarian socialism. it was anarchists engaging in — typically violent — direct action that bred the popular labour movement, women’s suffrage, the abolition of racial segregation, and others.

    How did a philosophy of minimized government involvement contribute to the regulations and enforcement mechanisms around our labor laws?

    … because we live in a society? the State needs labour, but if all the labourers refuse to sell themselves until labour-buyers stop X, then the State may decide very graciously to abolish the practise of X. so the theory of syndicalism goes: rinse and repeat till you have eroded all the power of labour-buyers, and you can seize the workplace and cut out the State.

  • i cannot see all that you originally wrote, but i would appreciate it if you didn’t refer to queerness as a ‘lifestyle’. like it’s some kind of cohort, or like we have the option to be different. debasing queer identities because it frustrates some people is xenophobic (and for your rhetoric-poisoned brainworms: it’s called an argumentum ad lapidem).

    ‘leftist’ spaces are constantly haunted by entryism and infiltration. your comment comes across as ‘anti-idpol’, which is a reactionary talking point that paints you either as alt-right, or someone who cannot tell the difference between political strategy and political theory. all struggles against oppression are important because they are struggles against oppression. ‘compromising’ on principles — especially for wider appeal — is for politicians, and unprincipled, conflict-avoidant, self-disrespecting liberals.

    you wrote[0]:

    If you can refute my (practically strawman) argument, i could change my opinion.

    it is a strawman; it does not represent an actual position. and that is precisely why no one should, or shall, bother arguing with you.

    Its hard to differentiate the intellectuals from the propagandists and simply too inexperienced.

    you would fall into that last category.

    so i ask that you disengage. you admitted that you are not politically aware enough to be having this discussion[1]. this is not the place for debate, and Hexbear users are not obliged to educate you.

    from your other comment[1], i’d recommend you look into ‘democratic socialism’. if you have questions, there’s communities you can go to:

    i picked dbzer0 because i do identify with anarchism, and i wanted an instance (outside the ‘quarantine zone’) that federates with Hexbear and Beehaw. i’m annoyed that my feed might be split; that a bunch of voluntaryist techbros are the justification; and that now some halfhearted debatebro is making the case for it.

    so, please: be better, or stop.

  • Per the March All Hands discussion […]

    i guess from experience that this was neither ‘all hands’ nor a ‘dicussion’. it was 'whoever[‘s logged in before office hours| doesn’t want to enjoy their lunch] gets to look at boomer memes and dull graphs for 2 hours while listening to the latest round of edicts graciously handed down by the Board.’

    if you missed it, and you’re lucky, they recorded it. if you’re very lucky: you get an email with the slide deck and talking points for what could’ve just been an email to begin with.