smol, femme, nerd

libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

  • 25 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • a basic floor to ensure no one lives in inhuman conditions

    I am not an expert on political or economic theory, but I think the reason we don’t have consensus on the above is a philosophical issue. A confounding factor is that some people often confuse their greed-induced cognitive distortions as well-reasoned justification for whatever they do. But besides all that, it seems countries with market socialism are faring quite well till now, and I think are probably a good model for other economies.

  • FOSS works with the quoted text for the same reason piracy is not technically stealing. How do you make the quoted text work with physical goods or services? How do you allocate the work of a cosmetic surgeon, or distribute nail polish?

    Edit to give examples that are more cis male oriented: how do you distribute viagra in an equitable manner? Basically I am asking where do non-utilitarian services or Veblen goods fit into this paradigm. Technically we don’t need computers to survive and mate, so that mitigates the need for FOSS

  • nifty@lemmy.worldtoWorld News@lemmy.mlMexico's new president!
    28 days ago

    More leaders like her please, looking at you US

    Edit but yeah being technically capable aside, many eugenists were PhDs and philosophers. Sam Harris comes to mind as he is a racist and a sophist with lots of academic qualifications. So yeah, ethics and morals also matter greatly. Mexico seems to have lucked out, good for them!

  • I had a good landlord, so they’re definitely out there. Mine didn’t raise my rent more than $50 in a decade of living there, and was pretty great and quick about repairs. I am sorry others have had the experience they’ve had, and I think it’s more to do with private equity buying real estate, or some kind of landlord with 10+ units etc. I think the mom/pop landlord with the odd house they rent out when their family isn’t using it are pretty chill. I am sure there are examples to prove me wrong though

  • nifty@lemmy.worldtoAntiwork@lemmy.mlThat's all it is.
    1 month ago

    Some people do argue for a post-work, scarcity-free utopia. However, I don’t see how that’s ever a possibility even in an endless universe unless we solve mortality and answer every possible question there is about the nature of existence and reality. There will always be “work”.

    I think work reformists look at exploitative conditions both at home and in developing nations, and rightfully want better. There’s no reason why millions of people cannot be lifted out of poverty via direct intervention. Training and educating those people for whatever self determined purpose makes the most sense. Currently people’s lives are wasted on perma survival mode, and it’s a waste of human intellectual potential and intellectual capital.