I have a trauma-based personality disorder, which sometimes manifests itself in episodes of often uncontrollable bouts of verbal violence. I prefer to direct this to people on the internet (as opposed to actual people), as I don’t wish to be violent towards people I actually care about.
A list of targets, one could call it?
Demand away. None should indeed be given for these wealth-hoarding parasites. Gun down more, I say.
oh wow, a major media outlet caught lying? I would be shocked, flabbergasted even, if it weren’t business as usual for them (emphasis on business)
Oh yeah, and maybe add some voice output to these automatons, so the machines can call the potential customers gay, and insult their fiscal levels (the go-to insults in any finnish bar).
Well, I work as a bartender, and here in Finland it’s strictly against the law to serve alcohol to, or even allow a “visibly intoxicated person” to enter the premises (a law which almost every bar breaks at some point, intentionally or no), and I think I’ve witnessed multiple times myself how a customer’s level of intoxication reveals itself only after you have served a drink to them and they’ve payed for it. Could it be called a Schrödrinker’s cat?
“act entitled and cry ‘antisemitism!’ if criticized” seems to have been their chosen method thus far. I guess the stupid fucks really need to be taught to not post their war crimes online. But then again, I think you need to have an IQ score lower than the average US boot size to ever be a(n IDF) soldier.