I will use that for documenting further stuff. If Zabbix works a few screenshots from there should explain a lot but everything else I would add to the wiki.
I will use that for documenting further stuff. If Zabbix works a few screenshots from there should explain a lot but everything else I would add to the wiki.
This looks great! I will try Zabbix first! More than I expected. Thank you
That sounds to complicate for me. I am still a beginner.
Hmmm, I have a few dockers, but most stuff is running in lxc‘s (Proxmox). Btw: I tried Heimdall (or Homar?) but I had to enter all services by hand. Is there a way or an app to automate that?
I am also - and always will be - a joplin-user and thought about outsourcing the tasks/todos. Was looking for selfhostable, opensource alternative with a mobile app (iOS) but it was harder to find sth than i expected.
These were my candidates:
SiYuan -> selfhosting does not work with apps (web only)
Anytype -> did not get the server to run (there are a lot of variables in the dockercompose.yaml und .env)
Affine -> there are no mobile apps at the moment
Logseq -> no selfhosting
Now i try to get Appflowy to run on my server: https://github.com/AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy-Cloud/blob/main/doc/DEPLOYMENT.md
BTT: For shoppinglist i use kitchenowl, for collaboration mostly nextcloud.
Yes, it is unprivileged. But the mp0 is defined in the 107.conf (107 is the containerID).
arch: amd64
cores: 2
features: keyctl=1, nesting=1
hostname: dockge
memory: 2048
mpO: /media/8TB HDD
net0: name=eth0, bridge=vmbr0, hwaddr=06: FB: 9B: 82: 17 : 58 , ip=dhcp, type=veth
onboot: 1
ostype: debian
rootfs: m2 ssd 4TB:vm—107—disk—0, size=18G
swap: 512
tags: proxmox—helper—scripts
unprivileged: 1
unused0: local—1vm:vm—107—disk—0
Is this not enough?
I will watch the video, maybe this will help. Thanks
I cloned a 256GB-ssd to a 480gb-ssd. Can i resize the lvm-partition with gparted afterwards?
Not sure. I installed it from the regular usb-stick-image on a Fujitsu Esprimo Q956.
Rescuezilla can’t clone LVM’s, so i had to take clonezilla. This worked! Just rebooted from the “new” ssd and it works! I am amazed.
A LXC is a container, so i use CT, right?
Ah, ok, i see. In the future i always have to write about the way i host the services on the proxmox. I use onlx LXC’s. Also docker is in a LXC.
Ok, i will have to check out what a LXC is before i start, but that helped a lot. Thanks
Yes, that is what i am used to.
I guess headless is better for performance and i do not see an advantage at all.
Another question: Why do you have several debians-vm’s? You also could take one, right?
It is almost a fresh armbian. I just installed omv, docker, portainer and nextcloud (docker). Yes, my plan was to move to the nextcloud in yunohost, if i like it.
No, on arm-device you have to install armbian and afterwards yunohost by a script: curl https://install.yunohost.org | bash
Was in the same Situation. Tried calyxos and lineage os with microg but there were always issues. I wanted a phone that works, so I bought an iPhone. I know that is not at all the best way to have privacy, but it works. I try to use as much open source and selfhosting as possible to minimize the data Apple gets. https://github.com/dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps
Thank you. Had to edit the folders. Not the stack was “successfully deployed”. Have to watch now if the backup works.
That’s it. Nice. I tried ’ instead of `, so the 2nd useful thing i learnd today. Thanks.
No problem. I use vaultwarden for years. In this case I am not really worried about data-loss because bitwarden keeps an copy of your credentials offline. So in the worst case, i can export them.
I would like to post it, but i have issues with formatting. voyager does not have this “code-format” and writes everything in one line.
Is there a workaround?
I now have a pixel with grapheneOS but unfortunately it is the same problem with the location in some apps.