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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Hey comrades, I’ve just spent the better part of my day writing a few 100 words about pubic housing where I live. I know this isn’t the exciting indepth war analysis we get here, but I don’t really know what else to do with it. (post it on reddit? ew) It’s good practice I guess. Someone tell me if this aint the place.


    How good is renting? Does it sound familiar? It’s a one liner from what feels like another life. While many can still hear Scumo’s catchphrase echoing in the dark recesses of our minds, at this point in the show, he should have gift wrapped it and handed it to the ALP on his way out the door. How good is god? Ay, Scottie!

    That’s right folks, the Australian Labor Party (ALP) have finally achieved their dream. They’ve fully embraced the neoliberal policies any Red Tory party should strive for. It’s been a long time coming, and what can we say apart from: Thatcher is dead, it will happen to you.

    For the second week running, we’re inundated with reports of Liberal National Party (LNP / Blue Tories) throwing out statements that make them seem almost human. Last week they were vocally supporting a more inclusive census, leaving the ALP chasing their tail, before the gallant Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese passed the buck to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. - Was it a handball? Albo’s a man’s man, let’s do sports analogies. - The crowd awaits with baited breath to see which ALP backbencher will be sacrificed for crossing party lines this time!

    Meanwhile, Jacinta Allan’s Victorian ALP, who like their federal counterparts, are staunchly committed to supporting the Israeli (sic) state’s genocidal policies in Gaza, are predictably taking a more polite approach in their own backyard. In a move that is strikingly similar to those announced by the previous New South Wales LNP’s (now revised, and Chris Minns ALP approved) “Waterloo Estate redevelopment plan”, Public Housing estates across the country will soon be demolished and sold off to profit driven developers.

    The Waterloo Estate was once considered such an achievement upon completion in 1977, Queen Elizabeth II attended the opening ceremony. Similarly aged buildings in and around Sydney’s CBD - such as the famed MLC Centre, or the now luxury ex-state-owned Sirius Apartments - have mysteriously escaped demolition, instead receiving complete refurbishments amounting to hundreds of millions. Heritage Laws in place to “protect historic significance” be damned.

    Now not only will these brutal “redevelopments” displace 1,000s of people from what should be rent controlled homes, they will also transfer all assets and authority over to the “malevolent” not-for-profit sector. Though be not afraid! At the National Press Club on Wednesday 3rd September, Housing Supply and Affordability Council chair, Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz talked up the federal governments build-to-rent scheme. You can now not only look forward to the destruction of 1,000s of homes, you may also have your heart warmed that the ALP will be giving these building conglomerates tax breaks to take those pesky public assets out of our hands!

    The same federal government who had a spare $60million to give the ADF for recruitment advertising, and who seek to destroy the key safeguard for workers safety in the building industry - the CFMEU - are also slashing the red tape, and washing their hands of the whole ordeal.

    Federal LNP members have come forward to denounce the bill which “seeks to entrench tax advantage for institutional investors, in a thinly veiled attempt to corporatise the Australian housing market”. However, considering the tried and true tradition of locking Australian’s into home ownership, turning every family into “little capitalists”, in order to smash the labour movement, don’t be surprised when the LNP calls to scrap subsidised rentals all together.

    hey it’s not even that long, I gave up jamming the hyperlinks back in, they’re all just msm citations anyway, who cares?