luciole (he/him)

Doesn’t know the lyrics. Just goes meow meow meow.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Hard disagree. Tools can absolutely be blamed or otherwise regulated on account of their affordances. You’re very close to the “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” argument.

    I struggle with the framing of generative AI as an a11y tool as well. I understand that it may serve this purpose, but it’s much more than that. Generative AI deserves scrutiny for being such a powerful disinformation tool, for driving massive power consumption and for perpetuating harmful biases.

    Also I don’t see what you’re trying to achieve preemptively calling anyone who disagrees a reactionary… Look, you’ve been posting a lot of hot takes daily for a while now and I feel like maybe you’d profit from reading and reflecting on things, take time to dig into stuff? Right now you’re just asserting one thing after another as fact with little to support any of it.

  • “Lesser evil” is an idiom and as such should not be taken literally. It essentially means that between immoral options, the least immoral one should be chosen.

    In a democracy, a voter will often have to choose between candidates while none of the candidates espouse the exact same positions as the voter. The voter is essentially faced with a multiple criteria decision. I’m against the idea of not voting on account of there not being a candidate filling all the criteria. Voting remains a fundamental way of influencing our governments. You can get involved in other ways as well if you wish to do more.

  • The NES was epic for its time, but nowadays those controllers make my hands cramp after minutes. Thank God for the modern big curvy controllers.

    Some classics of that time might be of interest to the contemporary gamer, although I think you need to have some kind of historical curiosity for it to be worthwhile. The tools of the times were rudimentary to an extent that hurt what the devs could do even more than the capacity of the consoles imho. I mean, they were flipping bits in assemblers.

    The audio though. 8-bit music is fucking stellar. The energy contained, the catchiness, it’s amazing.

    As for recommendations: The Guardian Legend is my pick. Cool scifi action-adventure/ shmup hybrid.

  • It’s important to note that opting into the Apple ecosystem locks you out of any form of agency on your hardware. They’ve moved hard against repairability and they maintain a stranglehold on spare parts.

    For that reason I prefer my personal desktop computer to be a PC I can open, maintain or upgrade myself in terms of hardware. The operating system is my choice as well.

    I understand not everybody has the means or interest to tinker with their machine, but I still think Apple’s business practices regarding hardware is wasteful and polluting.

  • I’ve been progressing through Divided Reigns. Very indie, retro JRPG. The story reminds me of FFIV & FFVI in good ways. Battles are much more involved then the aforementioned classics though: while remaining turn based there are plenty of types, effects and skills involved. A rage meter brings in some form of planning ahead between turns, somewhat like Octopath Travellers or Bravely Default. All around solid game. Only downside is the dialogs being sometimes pretty silly.

    Been playing Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla as well. So here’s my theory: inside Ubisoft there are two wolves. The first wolf is made up of thousands of creative, talented, diverse artisans working hard to make the open world formula fun and beautiful. The second wolf is a handful of suits looking for ways to milk the first wolf’s output for money in all sorts of shit ways. I’ve found out that if you put the Ubisoft launcher in offline mode, you’ve blocked the second wolf. As for the game itself, it remains faithful to the series. There are some welcome improvements, such as the end of garbage equipment loot. In terms of storyline, I can’t say I’m feeling especially involved so far. There is a certain cruelty to the protagonist which I struggle with. On the other hand I must also say that at times the game feels unapologetically woke which I thoroughly enjoy. The side quests are also super goofy.