• 26 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Both openrc and runit are great; simple, stable, secure and fast. I had some huge problems with systemd even before it was considered usable. Since then, watching it becoming a bloated CVE monster by needlessly sucking up dozens of userspace components has really made me lose a lot of faith in the direction of GNU/Linux. Linux was supposed to be a free and open version of unix for desktop users, but it’s being reshaped into a cheap tool for capital and prone to all the pitfalls of corporate / techbro thinking.

    I’ve worked on Linux for decades, but I might ditch Linux altogether if FreeBSD had better hardware support. There’s only so much I can write and maintain, myself. I love OpenBSD for servers and network appliances since it’s very hardened, straightforward and very well documented.

  • CCCP Enjoyer@lemmygrad.mltoLate Stage Capitalism@lemmygrad.mlBSODs, BSODs everywhere
    2 months ago

    I’m the same with booting into a tty. Starting up with easy to read shell scripts (like just being able to edit .xinitrc) is exactly how I want everything to work :)

    I’d hope “linux” users might have a little better awareness of the attack surface of systemd after xz, but I’m usually disappointed. Tech bros and big tech are absolutely ruining Linux to the point that you have to go pretty far out of the circle now to get a good distro that understands unix philosophy and KISS principals. Void and Gentoo are pretty much my go-to’s, even then I blacklist a good number of packages.

  • I did a little poking around on this and found a lot of people are experiencing similar issues with being spammed with unrequested microsoft login codes. Some of them do not have a microsoft account, either.

    Saw these on reddit

    I keep getting these codes and I literally don’t have an account for that email. When I try and log in it says “no account under this email”

    If you don’t already have an MS account ( i have google) and after you enter your email address, it sends and requests the code so that MS can open an account with them. It never requests a password in this case. I tested it myself. I believe its a brute force attack on our email addresses… even though with a 7 digit code there are 10 million possible combinations… Its freaking me out regardless.

    In the cases where people are receiving hundreds of these emails, it looks like it’s probably a botnet campaign to steal ms accounts. The attacker script might, intentionally or unintentionally, attempt to create an account associated with that email address if one does not exist. Which would be mostly pointless if that were the case (but I can imagine a fairly complex and specific way that could result in a compromised ms account). You could test that theory and see if it sends you the same email. Depending on the volume and frequency, I might not fully rule out someone forgetting what their own email address, either.

    If you don’t have, and never plan to have, a microsoft account (big ups) I think you can just mark this crap as junk and safely ignore it.

  • CCCP Enjoyer@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlLoud and clear
    3 months ago

    I can see that tax evasion and paying hushmoney to a sex worker is something important that you feel is a political “red line”.

    Allow me, then to point out a few things which are objectively NOT political “red lines” for you:

    • Directly arming, funding and cheerleading the occupation and genocide of indigenous Palestinians trapped in the world’s largest concentration camp.
    • Blocking food, water and humanitarian aide to a captive population that is presently starving to death.
    • Blocking all attempts by the rest of the world to force Isn’treal to stop an active genocide.
    • Lying and covering up the death toll in Gaza. (aka holocaust denial)
    • Directly bombing and murdering the Yemeni people who are blockading weapons shipments to a state actively committing genocide.
    • Supplying illegal chemical weapons which are currently being used by Isn’treal to murder civilians in southern Lebanon.
    • Directly arming, funding and supporting the planned invasion of Lebanon.
    • Directly arming, funding and supporting the planned proxy war with Iran.
    • Allowing zionists to threaten use of nuclear weapons on Iran and the population of Gaza. 1
    • Bombing the Iranian embassy in Syria and assassination of Iranians.
    • Funding and supporting horrific torture programs carried out by IDF forces and in the Isn’treali prison system.
    • Supporting the mass extermination of Palestinians incarcerated in Isn’treali prisoners.
    • Allowing unregistered foreign agents of a fascist colonial state unlimited access to US politics and dictate US policy.
    • Directly arming, funding and supporting a Banderite neo-nazi client regime which has been engaging in the violent oppression and ethnic cleansing of Russians in Ukraine since 2014.
    • Directly arming, funding and supporting an US-backed coup governement in Ukraine to use as a proxy force against Russia.
    • Directly arming, funding and supporting an unelected fascist military dictator in Ukraine.
    • Repeatedly threatening to use nuclear weapons on Russia. 1
    • Positioning and aiming nuclear weapons at Russia. 1
    • Launching missiles at a civilian beach in Crimea, murdering and hospitalizing Russian civilians, including children.
    • Supporting and encouraging the Kiev regime to violate the Minsk accords, forcing Ukrainians into an unwinnable proxy war.
    • Blocking the Istanbul peace agreement, which Ukraine was going to accept and would have prevented the conflict before it began.
    • Stealing $300 billion USD in sovereign wealth that belongs to Russia.
    • Bombing the Nord Stream II natural gas pipeline (which released over 300 million pounds of methane into the atmosphere).
    • Running international propaganda campaigns to support Banderite neo-nazis.
    • Stealing $175 billion USD from US workers and using it to fund a proxy war.
    • Violating the One China policy to provoke a war with a peaceful nation. 1
    • Engaging in economic war with Russia and China, which is mostly just hurting workers in the US and Europe at this point.
    • State-backed racist anti-Chinese propaganda to trick Amerikkkans into supporting a planned war against China. 1
    • Interfering with internal elections and backing militant right-wing separatists in China in attempt to steal the island of Taiwan as another client state. **
    • Invading Chinese territory and stationing US weapons and soldiers inside Chinese territory. 1
    • Deploying US weapons in Chinese territorial waters. 1
    • Engaging in HOT electronic warfare with China, inside Chinese territory. 1
    • Refusing to follow International Law.
    • Running the worlds largest imperial propaganda machine.
    • Violent state oppression and criminalization of protest movements which oppose US war crimes.
    • State oppression of anti-imperialist and anti-zionist political speech.
    • Literally starting WW3 1

    1: Things which could result in the nuclear extinction of all human life.

  • If someone gained access to your email there’s little chance they would use it for that purpose considering it’s far easier to just create email bot accounts. Scammers rarely leave you access to your account if they’re using it for SMTP. If the scammer is using your payment info, they’d be far safer from detection by using a different email address.

    It might be this is a clever spearfishing campaign, or it could be someone confused/mistyped their address (frequently happens with TLDs). Also see this a lot with more newly created accounts, where the previous owner lost/gave up the email address, then either the old owner or attacker attempt to access an account protected by 2fa.

    Did you check the DKIM signature?