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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023

  • Biden tried to restart the deal back in 2021, and has been trying ever since.

    However, it turns out that the US is not the only party involved in international treaties. We can’t just pick up the ball and go home mid game, then come back in a year with a new coach and expect everyone to continue playing like nothing happened

    The original deal was a difficult achievement on its own. Now, we need to not only repeat that, but also deal with the fact that Iran does not trust us to follow through with our end of the deal. Overcoming that needs good negotiation, and a lot of concessions we did not want to make.

    This is why administrations of both parties have historically upheld deals made by the opposing party that they didn’t like. Unilaterally breaking deals every 4 years because of who wins an election makes the US a non-credible partner in negotiations. You can’t just wave a wand and fix that.

  • I think what happened here is that something went wrong and messed up the permissions of some of the users files. MS help suggested that he login as an administrator and reatore the intended permissions.

    I don’t work with Windows boxes, but see a similar situation come up often enough on Linux boxes. Typically, the cause is that the user elevated to root (e.g. the administrator account) and did something that probably should have been done from their normal account. Now, root owns some user files and things are a big mess until you go back to root and restore the permissions.

    It use to be that this type of thing was not an issue on single user machines, because the one user had full privileges. The industry has since settled on a model of a single user nachine where the user typically has limited privileges, but can elevate when needed. This protects against a lot of ways a user can accidentally destroy their system.

    Having said that, my understanding of Windows is that in a typical single user setup, you can elevate a single program to admin privileges by right clicking and selecting “run as administrator”, so the advice to login as an administrator may not have been nessasary.

  • Java did have a Security Manager that can be used to prevent this sort of thing. The original thinking was that the Java runtime would essentially be an OS, and you could have different applets running within the runtime. This required a permission system where you could confine the permissions of parts of a Java program without confining the entire thing; which led to the Java security manager.

    Having said that, the Java Security Manager, while an interesting idea, has never been good. The only place it has ever seen significant use was in webapps, where it earned Java the reputation for being insecure. Nowadays, Java webapps are ancient history due to the success of Javascript.

    The security manager was depreciated in Java 17, and I believe removed entirely in Java 21.

  • There are still a lot of rather arbitrary decisions to make.

    Is 4/pi inside or outside of the summation?

    Is it (-1)^n+1 or (-1)^n with an additional negative sign in any of the other natural locations for it.

    Is the e term outside of the fraction with a negative exponent, or part of the denominator.

    Do you start with n=0 or n=1 (and adjust the terms inside the summation accordingly)

    Did they expand (2n+1)^2?

  • Coming around? When was he on the wrong side of this issue?

    His October 10 statement includes:

    Right now, the international community must focus on reducing humanitarian suffering and protecting innocent people on both sides of this conflict. The targeting of civilians is a war crime, no matter who does it. Israel’s blanket denial of food, water, and other necessities to Gaza is a serious violation of international law and will do nothing but harm innocent civilians. The United States has rightly offered solidarity and support to Israel in responding to Hamas’ attack. But we must also insist on restraint from Israeli forces attacking Gaza and work to secure UN humanitarian access. Let us not forget that half of the two million people in Gaza are children. Children and innocent people do not deserve to be punished for the acts of Hamas.

    October 10. 3 days after the initial attack.

    Back in January he tried conditioning aid to Israel and requiring the state department to issue human rights report on their conducts.

  • Not nessasarily, the protocol could be written so that an instance simply tells other federared instances “X of my users upvoted this, and Y downvoted this”.

    The tradeoff being that instance then have less tools to work with to moderate voting. Instead of being able to do global vote ring detection, the most they can do is look for abuse on their own server, and trust that every instance they vote-federate with does the same. Even then, with every instance trying to be vigilant, no one instance would have the info to detect a cross-instance abuse.

  • The thing is, no military in the world could win this war. Destroying a terrorist organization fighting on their home turf with military might simply doesn’t work.

    The US spent 20 years in Afghanistan. As soon as they gave up, the Taliban returned to power (not that they were ever fully out of power).

    As early as October 8, people were saying that there was no way a full blown military offensive would end well for Israel.

    Now, after 100 days, tens of thousands of deaths, loss of international standing, and a generational trauma that will harden anti-Israel sentiment among Palestinians for generations; Israel is realizing that their military aims are unachievable.

    Even if Israel were to reverse course today, they cannot undo the damage they had done. Hamas was desperate in early October. Israel was normalizing relations with its neighboors. Palistinian rights were starting to enter the political mainstream. The corruption at the heart of Israel’s right wing government was in the public consious. These were all existential threats to Hamas.

    With a single attack, Hamas managed to remove these all. Israel is on the verge of a regional war. Its regional friendly-ish countries have been distanced. Palestinian rights are once again anti-semetic. The Israeli body politic has been pushed further to the right (although they are miraculously still blaming the particular right wing government that got them into this specific mess)

    And suppose Israel does manage to defeat Hamas. What happens then? Is a friendly state supposed to rise out of the ashes? Or we will just see another anti-Israel terrorist group thrive in the exact same environment that fostered Hamas?

  • Agree on going with safty razors, but once you are there, you don’t want to cheep out. The one option my local grocery store carries is a $20 that is complete junk. I invested $70 in a Henson safty razor and never looked back. They also have a $250 offering for people who want the benefits of a safty razor without the cost savings.

    For blades, I actually splurge and buy the $0.20/piece offering from Feather instead of the $0.10/piece ones that Henson sells. Still cheeper than the $0.80 safty blades the grocery store sells, or the checks app $4.50/piece cartridge blades the store sells?!?

    Moral of the story: go cheap, but don’t be afraid of spending a little money to do so.