Hardly. The lesser evil perhaps, but in any context that includes Google there’s never a doubt who’s actually the bigger culprit.
I used to make comics. I know that because strangers would look at my work and immediately share their most excruciatingly banal experiences with me:
— that time a motorised wheelchair cut in front of them in the line at the supermarket;
— when the dentist pulled the wrong tooth and they tried to get a discount;
— eating off an apple and finding half a worm in it;
every anecdote rounded of with a triumphant “You should make a comic about that!”
Then I would take my 300 pages graphic novel out of their hands, both of us knowing full well they weren’t going to buy it, and I’d smile politely, “Yeah, sure. Someday.”
“Don’t try to cheat me out of my royalties when you publish it,” they would guffaw and walk away to grant comics creator status onto their next victim.
Nowadays I make work that feels even more truly like comics to me than that almost twenty years old graphic novel. Collage-y, abstract stuff that breaks all the rules just begging to be broken. Linear narrative is ashes settling in my trails, montage stretched thin and warping in new, interesting directions.
I teach comics techniques at a university level based in my current work. I even make an infrequent podcast talking to other avantgarde artists about their work in the same field.
Still, sometimes at night my subconscious whispers the truth in my ear: Nobody ever insists I turn their inane bullshit nonevents into comics these days, and while I am a happier, more balanced person as a result of that, I guess that means I don’t make comics any longer after all.
Hardly. The lesser evil perhaps, but in any context that includes Google there’s never a doubt who’s actually the bigger culprit.
Ugh, sorry to hear about your experiences. Yeah, I’m not going to bat for all bus drivers. I’m speaking in favour of having a human onboard, because the passengers aren’t necessarily an ideal crowd either…
The role of being a proxy authority figure can definitely turn some asshole drivers further to the dark side… I don’t want to come off as defending those.
Yeah, the reasoning seems to have been “Think how much we’ll save on driver salaries! Plus, the computer will never unionise or cause a fuss about hours.” That’s the only arguments I can think of.
At the same time, I can think of several times I’ve been glad to have a human driver on the bus, mostly to do with obnoxious fellow travelers…
Perhaps the real question is, are we ready for a world without bus drivers? I think they’re a net positive in the daily commute.
I’m sort of okay with driverless trains — they are pretty much/ideally limited to the railway tracks. This has too many possibilities for error for my taste.
So close, and yet…
The “market economy” is the death cult. The notion that somehow market forces are inevitable, natural powers is the logical fallacy.
We are so primed to capitalist market thinking that we accept its dogma. As Frederic Jameson said, at this point it is actually easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.
It isn’t the “rot economy”; It’s the Economy, Stupid.
Or just Google doing their best filter bubble. I don’t think they have any useable info on me any more, haven’t used their search for ages.
Either way, I’ll take your word for it and just thank my lucky star that I can continue to use Newpipe without problems.
Okay, I’ll click your Google link —
It looks like there aren’t many great matches for your search
— and certainly none mentioning Newpipe 🤷
Cannot confirm, in my usage I have never encountered this. I use Newpipe almost daily and do not have a YT login.
Occasionally Google has done something (deliberately or coincidentally) to limit third party app access, but that’s usually worked around very quickly.
Defo go for F-droid! Dunno if it’s baked into Graphene but I use it almost exclusively on Android.
I also recommend Firefox/Fennec with the Web Archives add-on for viewing paywalled articles. You will be depending on others archiving the full version to read them, but with most larger outlets they will.
Context? Graphene related advice?
For Youtube w/o ads just use Newpipe, an open source, privacy aware, third party app. You’ll never need to log into Youtube again. And it’s not even piracy, even if Google might think differently 🙂
Interesting piece, didn’t know about iOS stealth apps, and the ages of the accused certainly makes the news stand out —
— but can we talk about that hilariously bad “AI” generated picture they chose to illustrate it? That disembodied hand left of centre holding up the “iPhone”?
The Register failed in their due diligence by not clarifying from the beginning that this is a different Matrix chat than the open standard. They amended the mistake with an update to the post (quoted here in OP), but that is placed at the end of an article that not everybody is going to read all the way through.
IMHO this needs a rewrite to make clear from the outset that the Matrix protocol and matrix.org are not affiliated with the criminal chat service. As it stands, even with the correction, it looks like character assassination of a perfectly legal open source project.
There may also be academics or professionals named David Mayer in various fields, such as psychology, medicine, or technology. For example, there could be a David Mayer who has contributed to a field like cognitive science, education, or software engineering.
There may be. There could be. Who knows? 😆
TBF, that lawn does look like cardboard.
They were right, artificial intelligence is truly helping humanity progress beyond our limitations /s
What utter bullshit to waste time and energy on.
I see. That sucks.
Sharedrop is self hostable.
Other, serverless solutions are
And in your understanding, Google are somehow superheroes swooping in from on high by … putting the thumbscrews on a union website?
I get you have an undefined grudge against publishers, but you’re kind of off the mark here.