Sleep apnoe, depression, side effects of medicine and so on.
Sleep apnoe, depression, side effects of medicine and so on.
How about a console with cursive writing font? That’s probably the reason why it’s named cursive. Because of all the curses of the users.
Bonus: not only van Damme
My favorite German words are verschlimmbessern and Backpfeifengesicht.
Here is a list with explanation and more examples:
Even if the table is correct the instruction needs to be more precise. Is it table header or table body and in which table column?
But there is more space in ::1
I thought satan looks like that
Simply a NAS with Samba connections from all local clients.
Even the processor (I had the luck of 64bit) was ok for it’s time with great battery life of up to 12 hours. But the lack of disk space and RAM (only 2GB) sadly prevented further updates.
I would also like to brag about it.
What’s the favorite location of Notch? Cuba.
/dadjoke off
And now the catchy tune is in my head again.
And now he is called Agahnim?
I like it spicy, but I can’t stand the vinegar taste of Tabasco on pizza. In some restaurants you could request chilli oil, which suits my taste better.
I use PascalCase for classes, camelCase for functions and variables, SCREAMINGCASE combined with snake_case for constants and for filenames/folders mostly snake_case with kebab-case if date or timestamp is involved.
It’s just convenient that it’s pre-installed on many servers.
So I can use it now everywhere with my stubborn sense of pride for finally learning the key combinations.
You just need a basement full of Oompa Loompas, then you don’t need predetermined breaking points on your chocolate and could enjoy it entirely.