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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • kinda feel like those individuals shouldn’t be allowed to use computers to do their jobs. If you can’t master just pass the basics, sorry. Here’s a pencil and a pad of paper.

    My wife had her HR rep get pissed at her just yesterday for sending an email to her boss and other higher-ups asking why assistant managers at her company can’t use the computers theyre on all day properly. She had asked for a screenshot of something so she could see what the other person was seeing and they replied with “I can’t do that idk how” and thought that was acceptable?

    Luckily the other higher ups told HR to shut up and that she was only mad because it’s her job to ensure basic computer literacy and she clearly didn’t.

    People 100% get into the mindset that “well, I already know the basics, so anything I don’t know is advanced user shit so I can’t learn it” and it’s infuriating

  • Multiple 1 star reviews for a nearby business that complain it doesn’t do something that it doesn’t claim to do (bulk fuel delivery place people are complaining it’s not a gas station even though it doesn’t come up as one) was the most recent one I did.

    I also got one removed last year because someone gave a 1-star review whining about a fee that you weren’t warned about if you were late, I sent in a picture of the big ass sign about it that’s been there for years

  • I just went looking back at the reviews for this building and I found out that Google removed the only small power the public has against fake reviews

    Reporting is still an option, and it works. Literally just 3 days ago reported some inaccurate reviews at a place near where I work and I got the email last night they’d taken action, they’re gone now

  • He might have somewhat wanted to, but it wasn’t an explicit goal of his until it became strategic to the war effort.

    Lincoln before he got elected: no, I’m not coming for your slaves

    Lincoln after elected: no, I’m not coming for your slaves

    Lincoln during the war: “If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them”

    Lincoln the moment the British might aid them: “the war is now about slaves and their freedom so Britain won’t feel good about helping”

    Yes, Lincoln didn’t like slavery and thought it was bad for the country, but much like the founding fathers he thought it was on its way out naturally. Without the southern states throwing The Great Tantrum Lincoln would have left the slave issue alone

  • never understood the “promote laziness” thing. A union wouldn’t be able to protect a worker that can’t meet the requirements of the job.

    Overachievers get told to stop being better than the lower-quality workers in poorly run unions because “it makes Bob look and feel bad when you do twice the work he can in a day”

    It’s not a great reason but if you experience it once it leaves one hell of a sour taste in your mouth, especially since poorly run unions also usually aren’t doing good at protecting workers

  • I listed the consoles next to the games (forgot MGS3, which is PS2 originally)

    MSX is an old Japanese computer, and why I recommended emulation or the copy that comes with MGS3s remakes

    PSX is the original PlayStation

    If you found the GBC one hard then the very first Metal Gear on MSX will be even worse. MGS1 shouldn’t be too bad, though.