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Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • I’m not convinced it’s correct to regard populism as being in any way pro-democracy. I’d say it’s more a seizure of power by oligarchs and traditional authoritarian elements at the expense of the bourgeoisie. And in the US, instability in the middle classes has replaced a large section of the bourgeoisie with an unstable and precarious population of technocrats, as other traditional bourgeois occupations such as medicine, academics and law have declined in wealth, influence and security. So in a sense, the US is reverting to an early capitalist pattern where there is a powerful rentier class, a thin middle class delivering administrative and technical services to the rentiers, alongside declining traditional professions that are being hollowed out. And then there’s a vast and growing pool of immiserated, barely-skilled workers who are being transformed into lumpen elements by the oligarch-controlled media and state, and a growing underclass who can only find work in the shadow economy or the gig economy, or who can’t find work at all.

  • There’s some theory and computer science behind parts. The value of peer review is evidence-backed. The idea that dev teams should self-organize is consistent with some varieties of management theory. Retros have been shown to have value, though the way they’re often done in Agile teams I’ve worked in has left much to be desired. Estimation with dimensionless points has zero evidential backing. The notion that the team should be able to set dates rather than having milestones imposed by management is, at best, woefully naive, since it presupposes a commitment by management that, in real life, few managers are willing to make. And in most cases where the shit has hit the fan, we later find that we needed more analysis, more planning and more design up front, rather than less. There are only certain application domains where you can get away with being as minimalist with those disciplines as Agile exponents claim you should be.

  • he was wrong about it being necessary to destroy capitalism before this happened

    I thought it was more that (using modern terminology) he viewed socialism as an emergent phenomenon that would arise due to the unresolved contradictions within capitalism. So socialism doesn’t require the destruction of capitalism in order to start, it’s more that once it emerges, it’ll supersede capitalism. The Leninist approach of destroying the old order, then building the new one at gunpoint didn’t work all that well (to vastly understate), leading to a long period of totalitarian state capitalism, where workers had no control over the means of production (which is the main attribute Marx ascribes to socialism) and degeneration into nationalism, imperialist nostalgia and cronyism.

    But so far, along with failed revolutions hijacked by totalitarians, the main thing we’ve seen is that spontaneous emergence of working, non-coercive socialist organizations such as co-operatives has been met with strong and sometimes murderous opposition from the incumbent capitalists.