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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Many years ago, I worked in a call center. I was sitting with someone who was new helping them take calls and both of our headsets were plugged into the phone. The trainee was helping a store employee and she was just being awful to him. While she went to get something from the customer, I muted the line and said, “God, what a bitch!” except my finger was hovering over the button and I hit it just in time for her to hear me say bitch. I fully panicked and hung up on her. Nobody ever said anything to either of us and this was back when landlines would occasionally cross, so hopefully she thought that’s what happened since she hadn’t heard my voice up until then.

    Anyway, I’m pretty sure that’s the origin of why I still don’t trust mute or hold to this day. I’m not talking shit until I know that call is disconnected.

  • Oh I’m the opposite - I’m not a very good cook because I don’t enjoy doing it. I’m pretty good with flavors because I’m not afraid of seasonings, but my knife skills are bordering on Worst Cook in America levels. The abuse I have wrought upon poor, innocent, delicious onions is a crime.

    Also, if you like the fried onions, have you seen the jalapeno version? So good. I’ve started putting them on everything.

  • frickineh@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMaster Chef in the making
    15 days ago

    I’m the worst about this. My mom and I will try a new restaurant and I’ll be talking about “oh this needs acid, that’s the perfect amount of heat, blah blah.” Meanwhile, I’m over here “cooking” noodles with a pile of kimchi every other day because that’s all I ever have in the fridge.

  • I’m from CO and dating here is terrible. It wasn’t so bad in my 20s, but doing it in my 30s has been almost entirely shit to the point that I’ve given up, and so have a lot of other people. I love the state, don’t get me wrong, but it’s expensive and the single men seem to have formed some kind of mediocrity pact. The last woman I dated went from witchy pagan to hijab-wearing Muslim convert for a man she’d met in person once, so I haven’t had better luck on the queer scene either.

    That said, joining queer spaces wherever you end up is a good way to dip your toes in the water without feeling the pressure that an explicitly dating-oriented site/activity might cause. Join clubs, go to bars, whatever. If you meet someone that way, it’ll likely feel a lot more natural.

  • I mean, you can, but most people who prioritize those things aren’t going to want to make a multiple hour drive to get there. It sounds like they’re not your priority in the way I meant if nature is the more important thing. For me, I enjoy nature, but it’s more important that I can get the groceries I want (which are very hard to find outside of bigger cities), or go to the zoo for a couple of hours without having to plan it a week in advance.

  • frickineh@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    5 months ago

    Introversion just means socializing tires you out instead of energizing you like it does for extroverts. It doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy it or avoid it. Way too many people conflate introversion with social anxiety, being awkward, or just plain not liking other people all that much, but it doesn’t necessarily involve any of those things.

    If people are interrupting you, try headphones. If I really need to get something done, that’s what I do - even if someone still interrupts, it gives them a visual clue that I’m doing something else, and then I can say, “oh hey, just trying to focus on ____, what’s up?” If it’s important, they’ll get to it faster. If it’s not, most people will say they’ll catch you later. But if people are just generally trying to interact and you see it as bothering you, that’s more than introversion.

  • frickineh@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    5 months ago

    Are you sure you really have a problem with people wanting to talk to you too much? Tbh, you don’t sound like (just) an introvert, you sound like kind of a misanthrope and I can’t imagine your coworkers are clamoring for the total lack of charm you’re showing in this thread.

    I’m an introvert who’s great at socializing, and yes, even the relationships you may not seek out can be important at work. If everyone thinks of you as quiet but nice, you’re a lot more likely to get promotions, raises, good references, etc, vs if everyone thinks you’re rude or closed off. You can straight up tell people you’re introverted and they’ll generally be cool with it, but think of the time you do spend chatting as an investment in your career.

  • Having seen how some evangelical adults act (and eat) after being homeschooled, you could tell me this whole thread was 100% true and I’d believe it. I’m not saying it is, but combine social awkwardness with the hot garbage food fundie women post on Instagram, it’s feasible. Or, on the flipside, some of the more granola homeschool families I’ve seen would also be believable in this.