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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Man, my parents were cool as shit about this. And I think it had really good consequences for me later on, like in college.

    Sex was positively viewed, but strict about protection (rightly so), and drugs were described as a spectrum with weed being very low, and the scary drugs (heroine) being very scary. They were honest about wanting me to wait for drugs and booze till I was more adult, but let me have a few parties with friends where everyone crashed at their house. It was super fun, and very badass feeling. I got to college and was like … Meh? On partying.

    Definitely not the only way to go about it, but the honesty helped me weigh consequences of it all a bit better, I think.

  • From a philosophy standpoint, Victor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. It’s a brutally tough read, but a very interesting perspective of a Holocaust survivor and some of the more “mundane” parts (which were still horrific) in between the parts most people know about. The philosophy that follows is interesting.

    It’s certainly not without it’s faults and criticisms, though.

  • Man I’m in my mid 30s and really loving gaming more these days. Lots of independent shit that’s had me hooked.

    In the past few years I fell away from cars/motorcycles (building, racing, etc) and am loving sitting on the couch at home. It’s a stark contrast and has been a lot of therapy time, but I did it for years while not enjoying it. I think my takeaway is leaning into what I want and away from what I don’t