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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • Yes. Not intentionally of course. But yes.

    I don’t see how your way is any more predictable or consistent than using UTC. What even is “local time”? Are you assuming they haven’t changed timezone since they created the data? Say…DST happened, or they drove over a border…?

    Storing and manipulating in UTC is the most predictable and consistent because it is universal and unchanging. You only need to worry about “local time” at the point of displaying it.

  • So many things would be fucked by a TZ change that it very rarely makes sense to consider it.

    You’re making a calendar app? Fuck it…some folks are gonna get confused…solved by simply emailing your users and telling them to reschedule shit because there’s kind of a big event going on that everyone knows about and has been planning for for years. Hell in all liklihood this is probably easily solved by simply doing a mass migration of events scheduled before the TZ change.

    You’re coding for nuclear weapons? Maybe consider it. But probably not.

    That is to say: there are ways to solve problems without resorting to writing the most complicated bullshit code ever seen. Unless of course you work on my team - in which case you’d be right at home.

  • That does sound like it would be of benefit but I’m not sure how realistic it is to set up a system like this and it work for everyone - would the government just start buying property off people? Would that crash or balloon the market? How do you ensure that families aren’t priced out of moving home either by higher property prices (from the government buying up everything) or from a catastrophic crash caused by no one wanting to buy property as investments?

    Also how would the government provide attractive housing options across the economic spectrum across the whole of the country? Sounds like a monstrously large government department would need to be formed, which amongst other things would be very inefficient and goes against the objectives of the government. Take for example state health care- there is only one tier of care, and if you want anything better you pay for it privately. If we had the same for housing but didn’t have the private option then in all liklihood the government would be thrown out and the next one would be the one who promises private housing. Because like it or not, the middle class doesn’t want to live like the working class.

    As I said, there a lot of battles to win and I think this anti-landlord stuff is just short sighted because there is no realistic solution that could be implemented today even if a country was willing - which it isn’t. Instead we should focus on fighting the smaller fights that would lead us towards the utopia: rent control, taxation, foreign “investors”, empty dwellings, single-family properties etc…all of these things could be vastly improved today for the benefit of everyone except those leaching on society.

  • Because you can’t afford to buy a property? So you need someone else to do it for you and then pay them a service fee for living in their property.

    There’s a lot of smaller victories to win before we can have the big victory of outlawing landlords, so we should fight those first imo.

    I am not a landlord. Yet.

    When i do buy a 2nd property I do intend to rent it out at a reasonable price - and I have no guilt over doing so because all of our country’s private property is being bought up by foreign “investors” driving up the cost of ownership and rents while leaving properties unoccupied. It’s disgusting and I’ll fight it directly when I can afford to.