• 13 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Before the internet you would have to go to a library to read a book you didn’t want to purchase. Libraries are still a thing. You can still go there to borrow a book, read it, and return it, so that others can read it.

    The only difference here is the magnitude of access, where publishers weren’t very concerned with at the local library level for token public good, but are very much now alarmed with, in that the internet can distribute content to everyone all the time, content they were very much hoping to continue to monetize.

    It’s information gatekeeping, but no one is going to tell the publishing industry they might as well fold up shop and stop publishing because they can’t make any money at it any longer.

  • I have never once thought that. The fact I have always wrapped my smartphones in an S view style leather case means I could give less than one shit about what the back of my phone has been made of. I watched knuckleheads freeballing their phones, dropping them, cracking the screens, and noped the fuck out of that noise before I even owned my first smart phone. Been doing the leather envelope style case ever since. Knock on wood, never cracked a screen, not tryin to win any beauty contests, just keep my thousand dollar pocket mini computer up and runnin.