Surely by now they must know who Jordan Klepper is. They must know that they’re not going to present them in the best light. But they keep talking to him (great, keep this series going). Do they come out of these interviews thinking they did well and are helping spread the word?
Also I’m not entirely sure they know what a King is, or a dictator. Bizarre how they might have read a lot of stories about Kings and Queen’s, maybe from the bible, perhaps they even watched game of thrones, but want this for themselves? I get that they want this for others thinking that excludes them, but how do they make that link?
There are better kings in pyscadelic rock. King Buffalo maybe? King Gizzard is not always easy listening.
Is Les Claypool still alive in that world where Flea is the greatest?
Safest way to ensure I WILL eat this meme: tell me not to.
Badly worded, my main take away to see it again, I do see past Ken. And like you say, if you’re witnessing people saying that Ken made the movie then that’s the exact problem I’m conveying.
It felt odd, marketed as a female movie, It had a female lead, women that talk to other women, but half way through I commented to my partner that this feels like a movie about Ken.
My only take away as a dirty male is I can t wait to see it again for Ken, but when it’s streaming.
The UK has been right up there on the highest number of cameras per person in the world, this isn’t surprising. They’ve been at the forefront of this before China took the records.