dead [he/him]

  • 146 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2021

  • You’re asking the wrong question. VPNs are cool and all, it won’t really protect your communication, especially not from a government actor. A VPN can sort of trick a website into thinking you are at a different location and in some ways can mask what you are doing from your ISP. It won’t protect you from the government.

    What you want is GPG encryption of your communications. GPG can be used in 2 main ways, you can encrypt files/text or you can sign files/text. Each person has a private key and a public key. In the case where you encrypt a message, you would take the public key of the person that you want to receive the message to encrypt the message and then the encrypted message can only be decrypted by the recipients private key. In the case where you sign a message, you use your private key to generate a “signature” string and then other people can take your public key and the signature to confirm that you wrote the message that you signed.

    You can set this up with an email client like Thunderbird (equivalent to firefox).

  • dead [he/him]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.netlol
    1 day ago

    The tattoo on the left in the photo is Dwight Schrute from the tv show, The Office. His character is the assistant to the manager at a paper company. He lives on a farm in Pennsylvania. He’s a huge nerd and everyone constantly clowns on him. He’s always begging to be promoted. He acts like he has more power at the company than he really does. He’s supposed to be like a parody of right wing libertarians but some people don’t realize that.

  • dead [he/him]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.netlol
    1 day ago

    Dwight is a right wing libertarian character. He hates the government and regulations, specifically he has said that the government is too strict about limiting the use of pesticides. He loves corporations and is always kissing his bosses’ ass to try to climb the corporate ladder. He’s quoted Mussolini. Dwight is the same type of guy as Dr Disrespect.

  • DPRK says US-Japan-ROK alliance is the Asian version of NATO. US, Japan, and ROK conducted joint military exercise called Freedom Edge in waters near DPRK from June 27 to June 29.

    “As NATO stages annual joint military drills in all spheres including land, sea, air and cyberspace, the U.S., Japan and the ROK decided to regularly stage tripartite multi-domain joint military drills. This means that the U.S.-Japan-ROK relations have taken on the full-fledged appearance of Asian-version NATO.”

    Full article text

    External Policy Office of DPRK Foreign Ministry Issues Press Statement

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) – The external policy office of the DPRK Foreign Ministry released the following press statement under the title “We will continue to make important efforts to deter the acts of disturbing peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and the rest of the world” on Sunday:

    The U.S., Japan and ROK staged Freedom Edge, the first tripartite multi-domain joint military exercises in the waters near the DPRK from June 27 to 29.

    In the past they staged many large and small joint military drills under various pretexts, but there had been no such a large-scale joint military drill dubbed with a special name.

    We strongly denounce the U.S., Japan and ROK for their repeated reckless and provocative military muscle-flexing against the DPRK and other independent states in the region and once again seriously warn of the fatal consequences to be entailed by them.

    Now the international community unanimously comments that lurking behind the recent drill is the strategic design of the U.S. to escalate regional military tensions, exert pressure upon the Far East of Russia and lay siege to China.

    The regular U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite joint military exercises clearly show that the U.S. strategy for world domination to encircle and contain independent and sovereign states and secure its military hegemony has already crossed the red-line and is bringing about a very negative change in the world security environment and geopolitical mechanical structure.

    Freedom Edge, typical expression of the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc

    The danger of the first tripartite multi-domain joint military exercises between the U.S., Japan and the ROK lies not only in the fact that the armed forces of the three countries conducted drills in various operational spheres including the sea and air.

    The gravity and danger of the situation lie in the fact that Freedom Edge is a product of the organization, systematization and actualization of the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc.

    The U.S. is now claiming that the U.S.-Japan-ROK relations are just cooperative ones for strengthening regional stability and security and do not mean NATO of Asian version, but it is nothing but rhetoric to evade international criticism of the formation of an aggressive bloc.

    The document, cooked up at the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite summit in August last year, specifies the immediate tripartite cooperation to cope with any threat faced by one of the three countries.

    This is, in essence, reminiscent of NATO’s principle of collective defense that it mobilizes its defense capabilities if a member country is attacked, regarding it as an attack on all.

    Since the Camp David confab, the U.S., Japan and the ROK have operated a real-time missile warning data sharing system under the pretext of coping with “missile threat” from someone to realize the integration in the field of military intelligence. They are also stepping up the integration of the military forces of the three countries by frequently staging joint military drills involving U.S. strategic assets.

    As NATO stages annual joint military drills in all spheres including land, sea, air and cyberspace, the U.S., Japan and the ROK decided to regularly stage tripartite multi-domain joint military drills. This means that the U.S.-Japan-ROK relations have taken on the full-fledged appearance of Asian-version NATO.

    In the final analysis, Freedom Edge served as an occasion for proving that the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc, the U.S. had been seeking to establish for decades, has become a present perfect form, not a continuous or future one.

    True intention in revitalization of exclusive military bloc

    An official concerned of the U.S. Department of State recently asserted that Japan and the ROK are very good partners in coping with the threat from Russia.

    Lurking behind this is the U.S. strategic scenario to use the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc as a three-horse carriage for carrying out its strategy for hegemony in not only Northeast Asia but also the rest of the world.

    As already known, the ROK is a “military colony” which left OPECON (wartime operation control) in the hands of the U.S. and Japan is the largest overseas military base of the U.S, where more than 54 000 U.S. troops are deployed.

    This hints that the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc is a war and aggression mechanism capable of standing in military confrontation against other countries at any time under the instruction and command of the U.S., unlike AUKUS, the security technology alliance of the U.S., Britain and Australia or the tripartite security cooperation between the U.S., Japan and the Philippines.

    It is by no means fortuitous that the U.S. persistently tried to make the relations between NATO, the war machinery in Europe, and Japan and the ROK closely linked with each other.

    The U.S., which had already pushed forward with the entry of Japan and the ROK into NATO 18 years ago, has got more frantic in realizing the organic bond between NATO and Japan and the ROK since it turned its strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific region.

    Japan and the ROK, which established partnerships with NATO and built channels of regular dialogue at the instigation of the U.S., are now taking part in the annual NATO summit and even in the NATO-led military exercises, further expanding their cooperation with NATO.

    After the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, Japan has been hell-bent on the moves to put pressure on Russia and the ROK has openly sought to provide the Nazi regime of Zelenskiy with lethal equipment. Such facts show that the close ties between NATO and the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc have reached a dangerous level.

    The reality goes to prove that the “inseparable relations” between the security of Europe and the one of the Asia-Pacific region, touted by the U.S. and its vassal forces, are nothing but an excuse for realizing the political collusion and military integration between the NATO member states and pro-U.S. states in the Asia-Pacific region and encircling independent sovereign states.

    To foil the alliance strategy of the U.S. is urgently needed to ensure international peace and stability

    The Biden administration, in its “Indo-Pacific Strategy Report” and the “National Security Strategy Report”, called on its allies in Asia and Europe to unite with each other to counter their strategic rivals.

    Recently, it has asserted that its alliance strategy is making the switch from a “hub-and-spoke one” of forming various bilateral alliances to a “lattice-like one” of forming several multi-lateral alliances cooperating with each other. It also claimed that the era of “alliance protection” is over and the era of “alliance action” has arrived.

    This proves that the primary goal of the U.S. strategy for world domination is to form a global siege network to contain independent sovereign states which are opposed to its high-handed and arbitrary practices.

    Such confrontational attempt of the U.S. is the root cause of fomenting political instability and military confrontation and triggering off bloody wars and touch-and-go security crises in different parts of the world.

    The prevailing situation requires the independent sovereign states to steadily bolster up their self-defensive power to defend the security of the state and, at the same time, further strengthen mutual cooperation and concerted action so as to establish a structure of forces capable of effectively deterring the hostile forces’ collective military intervention.

    The U.S. and its vassal forces’ expansion of the aggressive bloc and escalating military confrontation that wreck peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and the region will be surely deterred by the powerful and coordinated counteraction of independent sovereign states.

    The DPRK will never overlook the moves of the U.S. and its followers to strengthen the military bloc, which openly destroys the security environment on the Korean peninsula and gravely threatens global peace and stability, but firmly defend the sovereignty, security and interests of the state and peace in the region through offensive and overwhelming countermeasures. -0- (Juche113.6.30.)


  • Then, in the aftermath of October 7th, he decided to deny the pretty credible evidence of Hamas’s mass r*pe.

    4 . He is clueless when it comes to his public image, denying credible evidence of mass r*pe, pulling a fire alarm to stop a funding bill he didn’t like, and being very Hamas-friendly in a predominantly Jewish district.

    “There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or r*ped women. But they still keep using that lie [for] propaganda.” This is the exact quote that Bowman said in November. The quote doubt claims made by the Israel government, which has been known to frequently lie.

    So the article says Jamaal Bowman lost because he pulled a fire alarm, doubted claims made by the Israeli government, and has sympathies for Hamas (which is currently the main liberation force for Palestinians)? So he lost because he was too fucking cool? Does he also ride a skateboard? Can he also do a kick flip?

    Pulling a fire alarm is honestly one of the coolest things that anyone can do. Anyone who thinks pulling a fire alarm is not cool is a nerd who should not be trusted. I’m not saying you should pull a fire alarm. Just for one second, imagine the coolest guy in a 80s college movie. He’s wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket, he’s smoking a cigarette in one hand while pulling the fire alarm with the other hand so that his friends get out of class early.

  • Roe V Wade was overturned before the midterm. This jackass had more than half of his Presidential term to do anything about Roe V Wade. He was the vice president for Obama for 8 years and Obama promised to codify Roe V Wade into law in 2008. The reality is that he doesn’t support Roe V Wade or abortion access. He’s just lying.

    Then, reiterating his position on Roe, he said, “I’ve never been supportive of, you know, ‘It’s my body, I can do what I want with it.’ But I have been supportive of the notion that this is probably the most rational allocation of responsibility that all the major religions have signed on and debated over the last thousand years.”

    Biden says that he doesn’t support bodily autonomy and that he thinks that religions have authority over abortion access.

  • Despite his bold talk, however, Fain has not yet made an organized attempt to spread the idea.

    This is an absolute lie. Shawn Fain promised a general strike after the UAW negotiated their 5 year contract in 2023. The UAW did not have to promise this at all. The UAW also shortened their contract so that they could strike on May 1, 2028. The UAW also said that it was their goal to have unionized 2 or 3 additional car manufacturers by 2028. The UAW is typically known for having unionized the “Big Three” car companies, which is GM, Ford, and Stellantis (fka Fiat-Chrysler). However in April 2024, the UAW unionized the Volkswagen factory in Chattanooga TN. That is evidence that UAW is in fact trying to do their plan. The UAW is also in the process of trying to organize other non-union plants in the US such as Toyota.

    Besides that, the article has a naive understanding of the purpose of general strike. The article should ask “Why strike before 2028?”. The purpose of a strike is a bargaining tool. The union already got the best contract that they’ve had in decades, why would they strike before the contract expires? That makes no sense unless you have the brain of a redditor. A strike is supposed to be a threat. Nobody wants to actually go on strike to have their demands met. Firstly it costs a lot money to go on strike, which is why unions need to save up strike funds prior to the strike. Secondly, everyone hopes that the capitalist concede to the demands of the union before a strike happens. The ideal scenario is that the capitalists concede and then the workers don’t have to strike.

    The strike is planned for 2028 because that is when the contract ends. The UAW offered to strike with other unions in 2028 so that all unions involved in the general strike would have greater collective bargaining power. Let’s say hypothetically the Teamsters agree to the proposed general strike arrangement with the UAW. What would that mean? That would mean that the UAW and Teamsters negotiate contracts at the same time, with the threat that if the companies don’t concede to their demands, then both unions would go on strike. The hope is that this greater pressure will make the companies more likely to concede so that a strike won’t actually happen, but the worker’s demands will be met.

    Stupid article. The article is written by Trotskyists, as you might expect. The website is owned by “Revolutionary Communist Party of America” (RCA), which on their website says they support “genuine Marxism, represented by Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Trotsky.” This leads me to believe that they don’t support Stalin, Mao, and so on.

  • In the simplest way to say it. Fascism is anticommunism. Fascism was created at the rise of communism as an opposition to communism.

    The reason that fascism is so loosely defined and ideologically incoherent is because they basically inverted the theory that communists had. Fascists look at whatever communists are doing and then do the opposite.

    As example, communists have the concept of class conflict whereas workers and capitalists are in conflict because of the exploitation of surplus labor value. Fascists, such as Benito Mussolini, created an opposite concept called “class collaboration” whereas fascists believe that workers and capitalist are collaborating with each other for the benefit of creating a stronger nation, nationalism.