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  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2021


  • Having had both, I can say that with the framework you get a much better display, but you lose the trackpoint. The framework has better repairability, but has less IO. The hardware on the framework is well supported on Linux, but can be hit or miss on thinkpads, especially newer ones.

    The only thing I’m really missing on the framework is the black thinkpad chassis - can’t really get used to the aluminum.

  • If you haven’t published a few papers then your preference in acronyms is irrelevant.

    AI comprises everything from pattern recognition like OCR and speech recognition to the complex transformers we know now. All of these are specialized in that they can only accomplish a single task. Such as recognizing graffiti or generating graffiti. AGI, artificial general intelligence, would be flexible enough to do all the things and is currently considered the holy grail of ai.

  • datendefekt@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    5 months ago

    Switching over to a new operating system can be challenging, even frightening for some people. We should acknowledge that, welcome them and offer them help along the way. We all want FOSS to gain more traction, and gatekeeping isn’t the way. How about a new community for Linux news?

  • It’s been a while since I looked into it, and things might have changed since then, but some stuff off the top of my head:

    • Messages are stored on the server, not on the device
    • end-to-end encryption not enabled by default
    • uses proprietary encryption, making security audits difficult

    Apart from that it’s somewhat politically questionable, based in Dubai (I think), with dubious financial backing and Russian developers. Because it’s closed source and the encryption is proprietary, there’s no way of knowing how much info it leaks.

  • Gaslighting, toxicity, oh come on. I’m supposed to expect my kid to lie to me?

    Just giving my kids into the embrace of peer pressure isn’t love, it’s evading confrontation. Give them a place of trust and understanding, with clear rules they can understand and follow. If my kids are getting their way bending and evading the rules we set, then it’s way too late.

    We often say yes, but sometimes we have to say no, and our kids are fine with that.