• 39 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • darkcalling@lemmygrad.mltonews@hexbear.netJoe Biden ends re-election campaign
    2 months ago

    Biden just endorsed Kamala according to news coming across the wire.

    Still remember to remind Democrats that you can’t vote for her or anyone else because the primary and thus the people in our totally healthy, totally democracy CHOSE Joe Biden and that he was undemocratically forced out by unelected media, donors, and insider. As such you’re either withholding your vote in protest of slap to the face of Democratic voters who CHOSE Joe fair and square or writing in Joe.

    After all people don’t vote for a ticket for its vice president who is a place-holder at most, often a compromise with the visions of the candidate. They vote for the candidate, so it’s not at all fair to say votes for Joe were votes for Kamala or transferable to her. Just repeat this at liberals and watch them malfunction and lose it as they cope with their impending loss.

  • Better person? Probably not from our perspective. Different? Possible.

    If he genuinely thinks that this was some sort of message from the deep state he might become a lot more pliable for them in his second term. Which would delight liberals who would celebrate his increasing deference to carrying out US imperialism and call him presidential for it but obviously be a bad thing. I mean he seems narcissistic and if he does see this as a shot across his bow and his life flashed before his eyes he might decide it’s not worth crossing those particular people on things because his life is in their hands and they’ve demonstrated it in a very, very visible way. Oh it won’t impact domestic policies and repressions because the imperialist violence apparatus doesn’t care about those one way or the other.

    On the campaign I think there’s a good chance he tones down the rhetoric and tacks a little towards the American center (right) to try and really maximize his victory margins since he has his base more in the bag than ever now and there are plenty of frightened liberals who could be convinced he’s less of a threat if he acts less threatening for the next few months and seems to be changed. He might also be genuinely scared of more attempts and attempt to ward them off by appearing more conciliatory. Because it’s obvious the people supposed to protect him (secret service) didn’t (for whatever reason and they certainly at the least look incompetent if not complicit) and he has no power while not elected and in-power again to change that.

    Edit Let me excerpt from PSL’s statement something I strongly agree with:

    Trump is reportedly rewriting his speech, which had originally been an all-out attack on Biden, to focus more on themes of national unity. With leading capitalists extending him an olive branch, Trump could calculate that his best move would be to move in a “moderate” direction and demonstrate to fellow members of the ultra-rich elite that he can be a unifying, “presidential” figure and present strength for the Empire. Trump has no fixed ideology and solely cares about his image and legacy.

  • Kaspersky should just ignore it.

    They should 1) Continue to provide updates, 2) do their utmost to prevent blocking of updates, provide updates through tor or some other service that makes it very, very hard to block for the US. 3) Do what US VPN providers did when they couldn’t do business in Russia anymore which is give all existing customers free usage of the product until such time the market is available again.

    Further they should start openly attributing to the US spyware they uncover instead of doing their usual diplomatic analysis of “looks similar to many western government associated actors”.

    What annoys the shit out of me about this conversation that’s going to be had is if they had fears about them taking data and files well they could pass a law that applies to all AV companies and applies strict privacy policies to them but they’d never do that because all western backed AV and info-sec companies are infested up to the gills if not literally founded by funded by national security state ghouls (former of course they’d claim but no such creature).

    Sadly Kaspersky are kind of like many Russians, too diplomatic, eager to bend the knee. They should absolutely do what western companies into the anti-Russian propaganda did but in reverse, claim it’s their duty to continue protecting their customers especially in repressive western states.

    They will absolutely sue of course. They regularly sue copyright trolls and all kinds of others but as I understand it this kind of listing is basically entirely at the pleasure of the US government and they can just sit in court and keep repeating nothing but the words “national security, sources classified, trust us” and win the case because commerce dept I believe has authority to sanction whoever they please.

  • Just a warning, this page tries to load resources from a url (africa [dot] thesmalladventureguide [dot] com) which is identified as being malicious and involved in malware payload delivery. This may be a false positive (though multiple products are concurring via virustotal) but exercise caution. Consider viewing article via an archive link.

    Probably SocGholish campaign. Looks like they tend to rely on directing victims to fake update sites to execute malware downloads so not high risk. Most likely original site is legitimate but compromised.

  • What are they going to do? Vote for a party that didn’t approve of this aka a third party that will never win? Protest a bit then go home when it doesn’t work?

    Or more than likely go use some brand new or existing suddenly mysteriously popular thanks to a CIA push American/western backed platform that’s similar but not the same?

    Compare to the consequences of not crushing Chinese social media which is America sliding down away from unchallenged hegemony of the global cultural discourse, unchallenged hegemony of the towering heights of tech, communication, etc.

    It isn’t about Americans being spied on. Tiktok is controlled by the CIA and NSA and their American offices are full of “former” intelligence officers. It’s about the fact that because it isn’t American they can’t use it in influence ops globally, they can’t control global discourse with it. Just like Huawei, it was never about Chinese backdoors, it was about lack of 5 eyes western back doors in the equipment going to others that threatens the “national security” of a hacking empire of spies. The problem was always someone in Africa or Russia or India or South America, etc who couldn’t be spied on, influenced, moderated by American power via American companies, back-doors, back-room agreements with the State Dept and CIA for influence OPs, helping color revolutions, etc.

  • I’ve also had good experiences in the past when I had a serious blockage with using one of those wide-mouthed syringes. In addition to water what I did was take some food grade baby/mineral oil (can also buy at many pharmacies), put it in the syringe and heated it up with hot water to uncomfortable but not painful and then blasted it in and let it sit for some minutes with ear turned down then flushed with water, the oil acting to soften the wax and kind of lubricate it out so when I later flushed with water it came out more easily.

  • one side wants to quit NATO

    Lmao you really believed Trump wants to do that? It’s just rhetoric to buddy up with Russia against China like how the US allied with China against the USSR.

    I believe personally it’s him playing the part of tough dealing CEO man (one of his personas and his most popular one TBH) and doing this with the explicit intent of forcing European countries to meet or exceed their NATO funding commitments which they’ve always gotten a free ride on and that upsets him. It doesn’t upset the CIA because they know for instance that the reason they get a free ride is because NATO makes them vassals, NATO means they can be pulled into our wars at our whims and that generates more value for us than making them pay the full share but Trump doesn’t understand that, that’s too complex for him in terms of reasoning. He thinks you can have your cake and eat it too.

    He makes this threat, gets into office, makes it again, says if they want protection they have to pay. From a business-minded man it makes perfect sense. If you don’t pay taxes for the fire department they stand by and watch your house burn down, if you don’t pay insurance premiums they don’t pay out for your treatment when you get cancer. It’s all perfectly logical to him and he sees these countries as non-paying riders.

  • Regulators: And you promise you won’t be evil this time Microsoft if we grant the application to acquire Activision?

    Microsoft: Of course not, what would give you the idea we would be evil, look, we’re even going to allow those using our competitor’s platform of PlayStation the option to buy the Call of Duty

    Regulators: Well alright since you promise.

    Microsoft: taps head They can’t buy our games on a competitor’s console if we kill off the physical media division and then engineer a spat over fees Sony charges for their digital store in a few years and they’ll be seen as the unreasonable ones!

  • because westerners don’t know the language or care enough to check the policies

    Maybe your common internet commentator does not check. But the western intelligence agencies check. They want someone like him in power in Russia over Putin. For 1) they’d own him, clearly they’ve done a lot for him and he would likely work with them, for 2) because he is a Nazi and ethnonationalist he would do for them what they’ve long sought to do which is break up Russia into smaller manageable ethnic chunks they can color revolution and control, his policies would drive and allow their intelligence agencies to further instigate into independence movements or at least long-burning terrorism that bogs down the state these tensions he’d create with the many ethnic groups in Russia. He’s perfect for their aims. His views perfect.

  • darkcalling@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlChina bad
    10 months ago

    The national security threat is purely hyped up because western companies spy on you for western intelligence and allow western intelligence manipulation of the feed of someone in the US or Finland but also importantly allow spying on and manipulation by psyops of someone in Vietnam, in Cuba, in Russia, in China, in Africa. Chinese companies will not do that. They will not give them global back-doors. They will cooperate to the extent required within the US or other NATO nations on spying on their users or manipulation as required by law but they will not allow global manipulation and dominance which is what this and the freak-out about Chinese 5G is all about. It’s about making sure western intelligence controlled software, platforms, hardware is the global standard to compromise everyone everywhere, not about keeping the west secure from spying or influence.