Attempting solidarity pragmatically.

I don’t believe in imaginary property.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • It’ll get more support with some time. For now it’s a nice browser to keep separate for not polluting what you doing mind putting out in public. I’ve had a lot more smooth experiences with PWAs I load through the ddg browser.

    Actually one area I think it’s got an immediate edge on firefox while the wild wild fediverse sorts out is just how many fewer attack vectors it’s presenting with the pared back features.

  • Important to note there are options.

    I’ve been relatively pleased with the duckduckgo mobile browser. There are a reasonable amount of chromium forks that aim for privacy oriented browsing as well, although I don’t have a specific one to endorse.

    I guess in defense of Mozilla: it isn’t really playing a different game in the browser space, they’re just trying to mitigate some of the toxicity of ad revenue as a foundation. They’re still a non profit hiring from the same pool as the tech industry money printing machine.

    There’s still a limited pool of support they have to pull from, and I like it better with them around so the big 3 don’t have a total monopoly on browser architecture.

    That said it’s maybe the best example the model is flawed at the jump.

  • It’s a very interesting thought, but it will always struggle to account for variables you can’t see.

    It’s always going to be designed top down to approximate your own development as human from the ground up. I don’t douby AI as a feasible possibility, but I don’t think we’re headed for digital clones. They’re always going to have some amount of the creators ghost or assumptions in the machine.

  • It’s a distilled version of ‘the wisdom of the crowds’. With all the dog piling that comes with reactions to things that are pointed at the wrong audience. There’s generally some people with baggage in there somewhere who will take issue, and you get downvoted.

    However, what’s always interesting about these platforms is where good ideas rise, where they come from, and how controversial they are, all of which you lose with the twitter/mastodon architecture.

    It may be easier to find your crowd, but how useful is that to you depends on what you use your online presence for.

  • I think this is just the leading edge unless folks are lining up to replace moderators in most communities.

    Systems tend to fail slowly, and then all at once.

    Most fediverse denizens have noticed how sane and measured the dialogue is, which is entirely a product of the audience who is here right now. But everyone’s got a threshold, whether Reddit loses everyone or not isn’t relevant if they couldn’t be profitable with all of us. There’s a death spiral coming, and if there’s anything left Reddit will have to functionally change.

    Easiest to think of Reddit as a party grinding on too long and starting to get rowdier, and the bouncers just quit.

  • So I didn’t make an account here for precisely this reason, I’m not really at risk of being targeted or triggered, so at the ‘edge’ of your community I can at least try to knock down some of the BS.

    I have a feeling this is where the ‘eternal vigilance’ is going to be needed.

    The trolls are gonna troll.

    Just keeping them out of your discussions may reduce the noise, but it doesn’t stop them from conglomerating on the platform. Pointing out where they come to play feels like the only way to separate the good actors from bad at an instance level so they don’t wander in.

  • Alright, more of a eli5 as I’m more folk knowledge than a scientist.

    It’s a narrower (more dense) wavelength.

    If you think of signal, any signal, how close you are to it, the total power of that signal and the quality of your receiving gear are going to be your three major factors in “speed”.

    5g gains the ability to broadcast more waves iif you’re close, at the expense of distance.

    If you’re looking to send communications further; wider (lower density) waves face less resistance. Just the same way you can seemingly get AM radio (bouncing off our atmosphere) anywhere vs FM radio (line of sight), each has a function.

    You can find rural houses like mine, or the futures trades riding from the burbs to downtown with microwave (narrower than 5g) connections. They’re pretty atmosphere resistant but require tuning to hit relays the size of about a soda can.

    I don’t think the longitudinal studies have been done on what frequencies over long periods of time produce negative results, the areas of spectrum we are working with have no real analogues in scope I’m aware of. Which is exactly why there’s room to scaremonger over it.

    Anecdotally I’ve worked a decade in an adjacent field and never heard of anyone contacting the plague.